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Everything posted by JFskiDan

  1. Its a little further down. Its the area just left of where River Shot is written on that map.
  2. Unlikely. some people cant be helped. i think that has been proven over the past 24 hrs here.
  3. If thats a recent pic, it looks way cleaner than i thought it might. Take some pics this weekend, C1.
  4. JFskiDan

    Closed 1/31/19

    Fortunately either by accident or by design, the pipes in my place in the poconos run up the center of the house. I have never had a problem, and my house is so poorly insulated. Well actually my crawlspace is well insulated, but the house is pretty pathetic. I know plenty of people up there that have had issues, and i expect to be hearing from some of them when everybody gets up there for the weekend. My one buddies well line to the house is notorious for freezing, and it runs under his house which is built on a slab. Thats super fun to thaw out.
  5. Go to Utah. Its going to snow on the 6th/7th, and 9th. Utah can be a better option if you dont want to drive/rent a car.
  6. Rent boots. Lol. No. Why the fuck would you rent boots when you can (and always should) carry them on? Dont be a cheap ass. Make your trip the best experience it can be. Forget trying to nickel and dime everything.
  7. Wait a few mins...its actually pretty impressive.
  8. That should actually be pretty interesting.....i looked at some cams out in western PA where that has come through, and it looks like it dropped quite a bit of snow. It might be even more intense by the time it crosses us. Really it will just make the glades that much better.
  9. My next ski day is probably Friday afternoon. Think the glades will be good? Asking for a friend.
  10. Hope Blue gets some decent snow out of this. Everybody keeps saying this afternoon will be the heaviest snow. We shall see. I really hope this day doesnt go down as the "powder day" of 2019.
  11. Snowing pretty good in the Poconos. Glades at JF should be good to go!
  12. Buckmans usually has a good deal on pre season tune for like $35. That would normally be about a 3 week turnaround. Buckmans and speedy service dont go together.
  13. This is accurate. Think luge run. This would apply to both Blue and Frost. Lets all remember how fast Blue gets skied out in the morning.
  14. Go look at post #4 in this TR from C1er from Saturday. PS. the first pic is One Park Glade. Looks deep, dont it?
  15. Beat me to it. Listen, i like to ski glades just like everybody else, but this is PA. Lets be realistic on how "awesome" anybodys glades are, without natural snow. What a dipshit.
  16. I'm gonna look a this in the AM. I think the drive home could possibly put me on pills.
  17. Did anybody else there Sunday see anybody on it? Or, do all the gapers show up while the grill is in full swing?
  18. Root and i rode the lift yesterday with a lady, who, i swore told Root, "i saw people on it yesterday, (Saturday) and it looked glorious." @RootDKJ, did i hear this correctly? If i heard her correctly, i need to look up the definition of glorious.
  19. Sharing is caring. If i drank that whole thing, i would have backed over everything in the lot. Lots of people in the lot hook me up with good beer, so it was a small return for some of them. That shits ridiculous.
  20. The Elevator is pretty much the red headed step child these days, right? Do they still work on Challenge glade or is that going the other way as well?
  21. Conditions were nice today. Waaaay better than yesterday. Main Street was particularly nice.
  22. Camelback has to be paying a fortune to get in magazines, and get voted as “best place to learn to ski”. I have never read mens journal, other than this article, so one must assume shopping and waterparks are higher on thier list of things to do than skiing. The half of the friends that do ski will find themselves dissapointed.
  23. Surprised Elk isnt on the Ikon pass. Alot of other resorts in Vermont are.
  24. Tacos? Wawa dont have no Tacos. Just sayin'. Conditions were ok, i have definitely skied worse after a day of rain. Pretty much every trail had some type of variable conditions, nothing was real consistent.
  25. I read this somewhere else. Dude showed up at 10:15 on a powder day, on a Saturday. I would say this is the equivalent of showing up at Blue on Pres weekend after a snowstorm.
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