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Everything posted by RidgeRacer

  1. I know it wasn't a ding on Blue. I just think it was a bit of an overreaction. You're like my 2nd favorite Billy Joel song..."I go to extremes".
  2. Which state are you looking to visit? Do you want a variety of areas within a short radius or are you looking to ride one mountain? Onthesnow.com may be helpful
  3. Last night was weird. I have no other way to describe it.
  4. JFBB has been relegated to Blue Mountain overflow.
  5. Fan gun on home stretch now on as well
  6. On a positive note...a fan gun is on, on the trail next to tubing
  7. Wow.... Has anyone played Alto's Odyssey? That game where you snowboard on sand dunes and shit in the desert with all kinds of obstacles to bypass. I'm Alto tonight...
  8. Just arrived for the night shift. it's busy. Snow looks sugary. Guess I'll find out in about 3 minutes...
  9. Jan 2nd will be tough for me but we need to do a day up there at some point this season.
  10. I'll try to get there at some point this weekend. Likely Sunday, either first thing or at night. Mid / late afternoons are tough, which means no sausage for me. But we'll see.
  11. I always take my skis into that bathroom. Probably will even they put a rack there.
  12. This right here has me jonesing for a ride northbound.
  13. This is why you have 10k likes. Did you hit 11k yet?
  14. What's the elevator looking like these days?
  15. There are some things in life, SaltLick, that you never "get tired of". Skiing is one of them. That's like someone saying..."hey how do you eat on a regular basis. Don't you get tired of it?" or "Hey how do you laugh on a regular basis? Don't you get tired of it?" The answer to these questions are a resounding no Salty. As it is for skiing. I hope this answers your question
  16. My hats off to you Antman. Doing 3 plus hours each way on a regular basis is the definition of getting after it.
  17. I may be cutting this one short. the weather is great and the snow is decent but it's gaper city tonight. To be expected I guess but extra dangerous with limited terrain. Not even touching paradise for a number of reasons
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