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Everything posted by RidgeRacer

  1. Wow. Just wow. Phillycore you know logic and facts won't work in an argument with GSS. SMH... Shaking my Harry Styles FWIW... Jackson Frost sees it's share of legit skiers. Especially mid week.
  2. Sorry. I meant attitash and Mt Snow. Ride you seem dead on about wildcat.
  3. ​Very interesting. Outside of Wildcat and Mt Snow, JFBB (combined) get their highest skier visits and revenue.
  4. P core and JfDan talked me out of another Salomon into the prophet. Should be fun.
  5. Hold on... God... Can you do us a solid and confirm that it will snow in the Green Mountain State this weekend? Thanks!
  6. Jim Thorpe, Franklin Township, Beltzville etc are quickly becoming a bedroom community. More and more people who commute to the LV are buying / building nice homes. Home values are a lot higher than they once were. The whole controversy over Jim Thorpe's remains is a pretty hot topic.
  7. The poop logging joke was funny 4 months ago.
  8. Drove past that on 115 yesterday haha. I think it was coming from the Raceway.
  9. I heard that, as part of the sale, Solitude will feature the one and only Phillycore this season.
  10. Kinda sad since we're only a few weeks from ski season. I just took a picture of blue. I'll post that
  11. The vines just make it harder on the great Pumpkin when he delivers candy and toys.
  12. Rjspeerjr don't let GrilledSteezeSandwich scare you away. He means no harm and is actually a pretty funny guy in person.
  13. Glad he joined. Our member base needs to expand westward.
  14. Check out a bunch of places and decide for yourself which is best. Some people like Park, some like longer runs, some like the ability to stick to trees etc. It really depends on what you like. PS if you don't want to ski alone, never and I mean NEVER suggest carpooling on this site. A former member here got all douchey about carpooling and ruined the idea forever. 70 or 80 percent of PASR skis blue. You'll always find someone there. Also don't be so quick to hate on Frost (especially if you haven't skied in 25 years) . When there is snow there is stuff to keep decent skiers interested.
  15. Good point. When you get older and have kids it's about priorities. Most of us have big boy or big girl jobs then when we get home we have to take care of our kids which is another full time job leaving us to pick and choose which hobbies to partake in since time /money is limited. For some that may be Eagles games. For others like me it's skiing. I mean how many people on this board have kids? I would say a good 8 or 9 out of the 12 of us who post. ;-) Regarding local hills, I have the good fortune of living in a county with three ski areas. My home or local hill was jfbb but is now blue. When I can pull over on my commute home from work and ski 1100 vertical feet for an hour or two then continue on my ride home, it doesn't get any more local ski hilly than that. I bitch about being stuck here sometimes but in reality I'm pretty fortunate.
  16. Here's an aerial (ferris wheel) pic from a local Carbon Co October fest on Saturday with The Blue Mountain and Bake Oven knob out in the distance.
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