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Everything posted by RidgeRacer

  1. Does this mean a free ticket to solitude on the day you arrive?
  2. If anything hopefully Deer Valley will come up with a better lift layout. Other than that the place is awesome hopefully nothing else there changes. Can't wait to get back.
  3. What do they normally have open on opening day?
  4. You ordered a fireplace pumpkin. Sweet! ;-)
  5. Looking to pick one up for my daughter this year. Thank you sir
  6. Noticed it yesterday. Looks like another tubing tent structure near the lodge
  7. PAskiing you're right. Sucks that there isn't much if any mountain representation on here anymore. When done right, it's been pretty successful. For example, there's no doubt that KCSKI got people here interested in Montage (then Sno) and drummed up some business in the process. Another example was when Phillycore began a petition here to "bring back the elevator" at frost 5 or 6 years ago. they heard us and brought it back from a overgrown sticker bush forest to an actual trail again. That alone earned them my pass money and a few years teaching there. JFBB even offered PASRs discounts to a pasr day a few years back. My opinion is that a lot of the marketing people for the mountains around here just aren't in tune with the local skiers and riders as much as in Vermont etc.
  8. I remember when BC actually linked to this site. That may have been pre-GSS though One of the vast array of reasons why working in the ski industry sucks if you, in fact, love the sport is that you can't talk about it unless you're marketing it. For me at least, when skiing becomes a job (and it's been close for me a few times) there's a problem.
  9. So about those ski trips... Who's going where?
  10. Getting JfDan to become a FT blue pass holder will be about as tough as converting the Pope to Judaism. (sorry buddy lol). He's cracking though. Look for JfDan to put in at least 12 to 15 days at Blue this season.
  11. Keeping it simple. Blue (season pass) a few days at frost, Utah, and maybe another April day trip to the skillz this season when PA is shut down.
  12. Phillycore those new boots will come in handy for you in Utah this year 8-)
  13. Thought this was cool. Pic of main street with cloud below.
  14. He's entitled to his opinion. I don't think he's a douche.
  15. You don't but others do. Ease up on burton71. For him BC works. For you blue works. What I don't buy is the whole notion that it's PA so it all sucks. There are hills here that are vastly different from one another. You can't tell me that alpine mountain skis like Montage or Blue or that BC skis like blue, or even that big boulder skis like little Vermont (elk). Here (as opposed to real ski areas out west) vert does make a difference. 500 vert vs 1000 is huge as you are essentially doubling the size of the hill. Yes that extra 45 seconds of skiing is noticeable. That one pitch on BC (extreme?) is probably the equivalent of the very top headwall on razors then it's flat and skating back to the lift whereas on razors you have plenty of vert and pitch, (actual skiing) left. That's just one example.
  16. My best day at Blue last season was on a mid week day a few days after a storm. I barely touched the trails that whole day. There's even a bowl. I believe it has an unofficial name but I can't remember what that is. The marked glades were skiable for a good chunk of the season.
  17. Or NMDW (nightmare to dream weaver)
  18. Sure when compared to snowbird or squaw valley blue doesn't have great terrain, but when compared to BC or Big Boulder, blue is noticeably better, longer etc. Whoever designed blues trails did a nice job.
  19. Only $120 more if you jump on the blue pass in April. Well worth it. They did have a longer season than frost last year. But that's not saying much. PS - Don't mind my hating today. I'm in a mood.
  20. Not to sound arrogant but you get what you pay for.
  21. http://www.firsttracksonline.com/2014/03/19/utah-ski-resorts-unite-behind-interconnect-concept/ Ski areas seem to be on board
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