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Everything posted by indiggio

  1. Looks like a line coming through...
  2. All gonna be pretty spicy by tomorrow, bring your best rock skis! I don't know what Blue's smoking for next week, but I wish they'd pass it along as it looks like the cold days are cloudy so higher humidity and thus much gak from the guns.
  3. They probably won't groom the seeded bump line, but all the flat snowers won't be happy if they don't groom out the naturals, especially since raisins will be one of the only trail(s) left for the weekend.
  4. Wish I could have made it up there…
  5. Indeed! 40-50' days are one thing, 62, 66, 69, 64 days are gonna put a real hurt on what's left. May be down to just NW/DW & Razors, Easy Out & Vista.
  6. Blue's done it before, but it'll be a surprise to see if the new management will support it.
  7. Blue seems pretty adamant about it too.
  8. @tarponhead got the goods at Stowe and MRG. He's a slacker at TRs though.
  9. You're another one that breaks the theory.
  10. Theory doesn't hold water. I know some that received it that have skied more than 10 days. I didn't receive one either and had to go to the chat line to get them to send RSVP URL.
  11. A rose by any other name...
  12. Oh yeah, was chatting with Taser Dave yesterday. He was telling us that Jim is hell bent on the 24th, so I guess we'll see...
  13. Dunno, we took a run over to Vista yesterday and snow's still pretty deep on it yet. Of course, this upcoming week's temps are going to do a number on it, but that's also going to happen everywhere on the mountain. IIRC, training hill was looking pretty bad yesterday with a big roped off mud area on looker's right of the right side run.
  14. Don't leave the US then, they use cameras to verify your passport now.
  15. And the hundreds of people behind you yelling to pull down your mask since you're holding them up because the reader won't open.
  16. Mountains will probably soon implement facial recognition technology...
  17. Crazy day with the snow squalls rolling through. Bump line on Chute got super deep and long bump line on lower Challenge was another leg burner. Bug squall #1 Big graupel squall in the afternoon Challenge bump line…
  18. It was a fun morning regardless of the looks of the place, kinda like an ugly prostitute, she may not look good, but she knows how to satisfy. First run down Coming Soon was horrendous, as it was ungroomed and firm with random bumps and ridges all the way down. I wasn't prepared for that and came rolling in with some speed as usual thinking it was groomed, nope. Never returned to the mess. Paradise and Nightweaver had soft carveable snow, as did Challenge which was tight up top and widened down below. Later some of Glenn's bump kids set a line on the upper headwall with a kicker at the bottom but they were way tight, which kept the speed in check. We ended up setting a line all the way down lower Main which was a real burner if you did them all in one shot. We also set a haphazard line down Chute that was just a mess, as they started out just right, but got way too tight at the bottom. Unfortunately the rain started coming down too hard about 11 and we all bailed for beers in the lot.
  19. Yes, a friend works for NS as a conductor and one of the biggest issues between the union and management is that the companies are trying to whittle crews down to just 1 person and eventually 0 because of all the automation. The unions keep fighting these reductions claiming fully automated trains are too unsafe.
  20. And not the engineer?
  21. 03/01/2024 - Whistler Woke up to another 4” of snow in the village and reporting 8”+ up top. Typical morning walk over to Moguls for breakfast sangwitches, failed to mention this place earlier. Gold for us as they open at 7am, only bested by Starbucks, but the girls at Moguls are locals, so why make a conglomerate any richer? Breakfast bagel and cinnamon roll, delicious and recommended. Up the Whistler gondy, anince we had yet to ride it, into heavy blowing snow at its top. Of course it had to stop for a bit midway. Took a warm-up run down towards Big Red, which shortly diverted into a bump run filled with freshies, wonderful! Headed down towards Emerald, we found some untouched down Ratfink and Dapper with drops into Coyote woods. We kept alternating between Big Red and Emerald, looking for trees and stashes on both. We thought it was gonna be a crowded disaster, but it turned out not to be too bad, with only a 30 minute moving line to the Whistler gondy and 10-15 minute waits at the other lifts. Unfortunately with the blowing and fallen snow, the upper lifts were closed. Dinner was back to the Old Spaghetti Factory for some seafood pasta primavera. Whistler is a huge place, unfortunately with huge crowds to boot. It also didn’t help it’s been a bad snow year and people chomping to get out since many have tickets to use. It’s interesting to hear/notice all the different people who come here, everywhere from Australia to Britain, in both directions! It probably wouldn’t have been so crazy had they had a decent snow year. Regardless we all had a grate time and lots of fun, hoots and hollers.
  22. 02/29/2024 - Blackcomb Woke up to a mostly clear and cold morning with another few inches of new snow overnight. Got in the Excalibur line that stretched back to our hotel, but was moving pretty good. Midway up it decided to stop for like 15 minutes. Lift issues seem to be everywhere. Up Excalibur and right back down through some gloriously soft, knee-deep chunder. Back up and down to the Jersey Cream but we could see people loaded on the Crystal Ridge, so hoping to evade the crowds, we headed down there only to find it packed. Back down to Jersey, which was stopped, then moving backwards to unload people, frustration set in and some broke for other lifts down low. The Glacier just opened so we got in that line and waited as it too was having some issues. Came down through the glacier in dick deep powder as Slim found out when he lost a ski and had to search for a bit. After a short lunch break, we headed out via Jersey. We could see the top of 7th Heaven, so we headed down to it. Up 7th and down into some trees with crazy deep and untouched snow. Lapped that and headed back to Whistler via the Peak-to-Peak and then down to the village in a nice snowfall. Dinner was at the Amsterdam pub for a God-DAM burger and poutine, delicious! Turned out to be a grate after storm ski day with lots of deep fresh to still be had. Slim (top dot) fighting to find his ski…
  23. 02/28/2024 - Whistler Up at usual 0-dark thirty, went to look out the window at the forecasted deluge and wondering how we’re gonna stay dry until we got up to the snow line, much to my surprise when I opened the window to see easily 12” or more snow on top of everything and still puking snow. Definitely better than rain, but this is gonna be crazy. We debated going out and standing in the already long lines, not knowing if they were gonna start spinning on time or wait for the bull rush to subside. We decided to let the bull run and we’ll pick up seconds. With the way it was snowing, that wouldn’t be terrible. Out for a walk the lift lines snakes through the village nearly back to our hotel. Stopped for a breakfast sandwich and checked the lines on the way back to find them all but gone. All the alpine lifts weren’t running for obvious reasons and the 2 main gondolas were only serving to mid station, so it was up the Fitzsimmons and then ip the Garbanzo into a snowmageddon. Figuring visibility would be better a little lower, we headed down to Creekside through some of the deepest snow I’ve ever been in. Freshies were still available if you stayed next to the trees. Snow down low was already getting sticky and some needed to drop a layer, so we split up. We headed up the Creekside and then up Big Red. Amazingly people were coming down the lift line without abandon, but we knew what was lurking just beneath the new snow. Garbanzo lift seemed to be the sweet spot holding mostly nice snow and just a little sticky at its base, so we lapped it until we had enough. Not the longest of days, but definitely the most fun skiing through boot, knee, thigh deep snow. Dinner was feee nachos on the club.
  24. 02/27/2024 - Blackcomb/Whistler Day started out bluebird but wasn’t forecasted to end that way, so we planned on getting up to 7th Heaven as soon as possible and also take the Peak-to-Peak tram run. Since the run from Blackcomb back to Whistler is closed, we need to end the day in Whistler. Up Excalibur, Excelerator and Jersey Cream and high-speed lapped the Jersey Cream on perfectly groomed packed powder with a skiff of new on top. Bailed out of Jersey Cream as the lines started to lengthen down to the Crystal Ridge Express. Rider’s Revenge woods had some nice snow, so we lapped them for a while. Clouds were on the horizon so we took the P2P across and had lunch in the lodge. After lunch we waited for one of the glass bottom teams and took that back across. That tram is a feat of engineering. Took the 7th Heaven up and lapped in. Snow was mixed soft with some firm bumps beneath at the top. Found some better snow in the trees just above the lift base. Made our way down and up the Catskinner to catch another P2P back to Whistler. It was long about 3pm, so we high speed lapped the Emerald lift until 4 then made our way back to the ranch. Dinner was at The Mexican Corner. Not bad but nothing to write home mom about. Supposedly a dumping tomorrow.
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