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Everything posted by Schif

  1. I called killington yesterday, and the guy on the phone said they easily have at least 3 weeks left, and depending on weather are currently shooting for June 1.
  2. Car is packed and Champagne is on ice. See y'all in the morning.
  3. I can grab a bottle of champagne since all I was bringing thusfar was a tent and a table
  4. Table is about 8 foot I think. I'll have to double check that tonight, but it's a full sized table. NMSKI, that's an epic pick up.
  5. What time are most of youse guys going to get there? I'm not used to traveling to ski. I'll volunteer a table and a tent in terms of hardware, what else should I bring?
  6. Over 2 inches in the Wyoming Valley so far and coming down steadily.
  7. Aww man, I'll never get to see him flip and spin in a stunt ditch anymore. This will surely impact how I snowboard from here on out.
  8. They almost look artificial there. As if they would be part of an indoor slope.
  9. The old cut and run. I know all too well how that goes.
  10. Schif

    Blue 3/25

    Gotta love geology. We would be schist out of luck in terms of having mountains to ski if it wasn't for it.
  11. With them honoring passes from other mountains, party or not I'll probably be in the house on Saturday.
  12. I won't start a whole new thread for this, but Here is the final TR for the Montage 2013/2014 Season 3/23/14 Montage Mountain Resort 35 degrees Windy Some sun, some clouds Today was the last day of the year so I sucked it up and headed up to Montage around 1pm. I wanted to give it some time to soften up in the sun before I took my shoulder out for the first time in 2 weeks. Since I was feeling uneasy I took my first run up the Shuttle Lift and down Mainline. I was going very slow to see how it would feel. No pain, the nice thing about snowboarding I guess is that you don't need to use your arms much. Conditions were typical reconstituted freeze/thaw corn over ice. Coverage was fantastic though. Trails were edge to edge and fairly deep still. At the end of the run I cruised across the base area and stopped to tie a bandanna around my neck because it was freezing out there. I was planning on just wearing a sweatshirt, but in the parking lot I ended up throwing on a down mid layer jacket, and my exposed neck was stinging after one run out there. So I headed down Lower Runaway from the base area, and conditions were the same as up top down there. Heavy traffic areas were a little slick, but not too bad. Next Run was down Cannonball, where conditions were more of the same. I cruised the diamonds (didn't touch the doubles today) and lightning looked a little slick, I didn't see anyone on it the whole time I was there. I left after about 2 hours of solo slow cruising around the mountain. The Lot was about 1/4 full, and there were some day tickets in the crowd, not just Passholders. I debooted and drank a beer in the lot as I looked around and reflected on the first season of the all new Montage. I poured a little of the beverage out in the gravel that I know so well, and headed home.
  13. Awesome news, especially because this is the last weekend for Montage
  14. Exciting Stuff! Can't wait to get back up there.
  15. I'll definitely consider it. I did get a new tailgating tent a few weeks ago that I haven't had the chance to try out yet.
  16. That is a pretty serious list. That's the kind of stuff that would rival a Penn State Tailgate.
  17. Thanks for all the well wishes guys. The update is that it's Tuesday and my arm is feeling better already. I'm down to just Tylenol to manage the pain, and I'm already starting to get some movement back. My shoulder still has a bump on it, and I'm still taking it really easy, but now I'm confident I won't need an amputation. I'm going to call the Orthopedist today and set up an appointment for early next week to see what's shaking. I've been on the phone a few times with my med school friends, and they seem to think it's a fairly easy injury to bounce back from, and actually told me there was no excuse to not go to the Scranton St. Patrick's Day Parade on Saturday. I'm still citing my "really bad shoulder" to people who want me to go though. Sorry, but paying $5 for a warm can of Bud Light in a sea of drunk assholes who smell like vomit and are covered in springtime mud isn't my idea of a good time. I skipped the parade the past 2 years to have some slope brews at Montage and actually watch from the top of Upper Fast Track the wildness going on in the city below. Pretty spectacular view from up there actually and I recommend it.
  18. Spandex race suits were out in force on Saturday at Montage. People get really into NASTAR I guess.
  19. Schif

    Taos NM 2014

    Looks awesome out there man, sounds like an epic trip.
  20. That's what I"m hoping for, we will see. Maybe worst case scenario, I can be a parking lot pimp at closing day and not even get on the snow at all.
  21. Hey All, It's Monday, and I'm back from an awesome Saturday Session at the wonderful Montage Mountain Resort. I pulled into the lot at 8:40 and booted up, my friend pulled in right next to me at 8:45. We got geared up and headed down to the lodge to get him a ticket. We ran into 2 other guys that my pal was meeting up with and we started cruising the upper part of the mountain. 2 of the guys I was with used to work there, so we ended up meeting up with the head of the park crew, and lapping both the Spike (bigger) and Whistler (smaller) parks for a while. Features were prime, really smooth poppy jumps, and a nice array of boxes and rails to mess around on. After an hour or so, we did a few top to bottom runs on Long Haul, which was prime time for cracking a few beverages on. Snow was fantastic, super smooth groomed, and mid morning it was perfect, it softened up into a really great carveable surface. Boomer and Lightning were flat again, so a few big arc turns was all you needed to tear White Lightning up, I felt like I had conquered a beast after that. It started warming up a lot, (I only needed my shell all day over an under armour turtleneck and t-shirt), and the snow started to get sticky in spots. around 1 or so my pal got hungry so we stopped in the lodge and he grabbed a burger and we chilled on the deck outside while he ate it. Here comes the beginning of the end folks. We decided to head back up the mountain, and go back to the park on Whistler, it really was prime today and we were having a blast in there .We hit it about 4 times, then decided on the lift ride, that we would do it one more time, and then cruise down Ratter to Cannonball, and up Phoebe Snow to the waiting cars. I hit all the jumps, they were getting a little slow, so the air wasn't great, but it's all good. 3rd to last feature in the park was a very simple flat box that I had slid about 9 times already that day, but on the 10th of course I lost it at the end trying to spin off, and landed directly on my left shoulder. No biggie I thought, not much pain, but when I tried to push myself back up to my feet my left arm was pretty much dead. I pushed myself up and rode down with my left arm dangling by my side, and instantly decided it was time for my first trip to Ski Patrol in my 15 year career. Unfortunately since I was at the Iron Horse lift, I had to walk uphill to the Fist Aid building, but realistically I could have been stuck a lift ride away so it's all good. I could feel my arm now, and unfortunately I realized something was pretty messed up with my shoulder, especially when the patrollers got my jacket off and could see pretty easily through the under armour that my shoulders were not the same shape anymore. It hurt too much to move my arm up, so I didn't take a sling, and my buddy pulled the car around and we headed off to the hospital. Now my pal doesn't handle situations like this well, and as I found out in the past few weeks he actually has been drinking a lot, so I shouldn't have been surprised when he cracked a beer in the car, but I was a tad shocked when he stopped at the bottom of the access road to buy two 24 oz cans of stella. Guess a brew to calm the old nerves is more important than a busted shoulder. Anyway, we got there, he insisted he comes back into the ER with me, and we chill and make wisecracks about the lack of hot nurses and such, while I get evaluated. X-rays show a sprain/separation of the AC joint, which holds the clavicle to the scapula. No surgery needed, but I'm in a sling for 4 to 6 weeks, and some minor PT. Good Bye Sweet Ski Season, you shall be missed. Here is a fun picture we made the nurse take, for anyone who started reading and skimmed to the bottom, I'm sure you'll be going back up to see what happened now hahaha
  22. I saw a porcupine under the lift at Montage yesterday.
  23. Not pulling any punches there.
  24. 99 percent of the population couldn't ski 10 feet with their full concentration, and you can do it black out drunk. Gotta love being in an elite group
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