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Everything posted by pyro_boarder

  1. That article is a joke. It looks like a bunch of press releases thrown randomly together then fluffed up with unresearched terms he found on the internet. He so blatantly has no clue what he is talking about. I could have written a better article in 15 minutes; granted, it probably only took him 5 to hack that sorry piece together.
  2. That looks like it should slide fine, but I can't tell what kind of plastic it is. If its HDPE, ABS, PVC, etc. it would be great. If it's acrylic or Plexiglas it should be ok, but you would need coping. Also, I plan on revising the FAQ soon. If anyone has any ideas or anything to add to improve the FAQ, it would be appreciated.
  3. There's no heating element so that be kind of hard.
  4. Here's a link to instructions on how to make a boot dryer. It's a simple design and it would be pretty inexpensive and easy to modify to your needs. It would be a good project for the month or so left until the PA season starts. Boot dryer - xc or downhill skiing - hiking - etc
  5. Your lucky, I was elated for a just flurry. I can't wait for the first accumulation here.
  6. WNEP: Montage Ownership to Change Hands "Fifty old snow guns will be refurbished and 143 brand new ones will be installed. The pipes are coming in now and the welding begins next week." It's a reassuring article but no really new information.
  7. I just did some digging as well and I can not find a reference to restrictions on driving out of state anywhere. I could have sworn I read that it was restricted in some of the documentation I received after getting my license, but I can't find it on the internet. So now I'm wondering if there was never anything there in the first place. I'll have to check when I go home for Thanksgiving.
  8. I'm not going to disagree with the fact that there is no law, but I'm pretty sure it states somewhere when you get the license that you can not drive out of state. I'll have to check on that because it that's the case then the DMV is misleading a lot of people.
  9. I really hope your wrong, but I'm starting to get nervous. I won't count them out until after the start of the season though.
  10. I'm hoping most of that stuff there is for the beginner park as it's all very small.
  11. Yeah, but I'm still trying to figure out what prompted that comment.
  12. So, who say That? I went to the premier at PSU last night and I must say it was awesome.
  13. It shoulden't be to hard to reenforce the hinge so that it will hold.
  14. If there's a gap is it still considered a table or is that called something different?
  15. What are the dementions of the explorer you want to put it in and how much are you willing to spend? EDIT: Here's one I built, but there's very slim chance you could get it into an explorer. The ramp and the tower come appart, but it's a pain and they weigh a ton (~50-70lbs.). Drop In If you give me a more specific idea of what you going for I can definatly help you turn the ideas into something you could build.
  16. It also seemed to be set up on an angle when it was first setup.
  17. Judging by the ladder that rainbowish thing has to be about 10' tall, but most of that will most likely be buried; as of now there's no legs. It resembles a tapered rainbow box, but it's flat on top. The other thing looks like it wants to be a c-rail, which would be awesome, but it's a bit wide.
  18. I think they're required by law to have insurance. Also even though the lawsuits probably won't win, the mountains still have to pay to defend themselves against the lawsuits brought against them. There's probably a lot more than that as well, but I don't have the time to look it up.
  19. I put $800, only because most passes are pushing $600 for one mountain, and I'm sure that it would have to be more. I don't know if I would pay that much. I probably would but it would depend it it were unlimited or if you could only visit each mountain a set number of times. This would be a great venture, and i do think it is possible, but I have to disagree with you about it being simple. If it was simple someone would have done it already.
  20. "That" Premer at PSU, 100 Thomas, Oct. 19. I don't see a time yet.
  21. Not yet. We have to wait for the judges decision sometime next week. Washo sure screwed this one up. Even if (when) we end up winning he's already succeeded in wasting 2 months of time when they could have been working on improvements. I hope he gets hit hard in Sno Mountain's counter suit.
  22. If your not interested in 'relaxing in the lodge' chances are you don't care much about tubing. ------ I'll definitely have to get to Blue a few times this year to check out the improvements.
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