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Well that's 6 days at BB for me and I'm done there until JF closes.


Someone asked for a picture of the car windshield wiper blade I sewed to my mitten so

I snapped it next to the lift tickets from this week.


Today the groomers came out to play at 2PM and there was fresh snowfall everywhere.

Nothing as far as you could see was not covered in a thin film of snow.

The sun broke through the clouds and I saw blue sky for the first in many days.


The hardpack was pretty darn screwed up by the 2 days of rain but 80 percent of the hill

was intact and a fine ride to be had again. and again. and again.


Thanks BB for a great week!





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Picture deserves a repost for sooooo many reasons...


Why? What reasons?



How long will your ticket be at the end of the season??? Keep it going man. Can't wait to see what it looks like in April...


It sort of looks like a Christmas ornament after a month or two and I cut it off and start another one.

Here's one from last year.






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Why? What reasons?


The image is so blurry no one would be able to know that this was in fact a photo of your glove with wiper blade attached. Unfortunately I know that you can't tell that is blurry.


And I believe that T*Maki was reposting because he appreciates how cool it is that your ticket ring is going to be longer than 12" at the end of the season.

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The image is so blurry no one would be able to know that this was in fact a photo of your glove with wiper blade attached. Unfortunately I know that you can't tell that is blurry.

I couldn't tell the picture was blurry on the tiny camera screen I took the picture with

and by the time I got it on the PC , uploaded and in the forum I just gave up making anything prettier.

I showed the wiper blade sewn on the mitten to show that yes...its that simple to do it and

anyone with an old wiper blade, needle and thread, could do it too.


I have to figure out a better way to take pictures.

My cell phone died so I no longer carry that camera phone anymore.

Maybe that's a good thing. My lake pictures were pretty shabby also.

I may get a new phone from Santa.

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i'm still wondering how a legally blind man could thread a needle and sew a windshield wiper blade onto a glove.

I said my vision is impaired and I haven't driven on a highway in 8 years.

My vision scrambled 8 years ago and everything looks crushed and twisted to me like funhouse mirrors. I can walk around without falling in a manhole or snowboard on a wide hill without

knocking anyone over.

I can thread a needle using one of those wire helpers and magnifier glasses.

Just because I don't see well doesn't mean I won't try to do things.

Sewing a button or a windshield wiper isn't tailoring a suit.

Its just an ugly quick fix.


Its sort of the same as driving in the dark or heavy rain.

You see just enough to drive but you don't see everything.

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It does have its advantages to have screwy vision.

I can go to Walmart and the toothless in stretchpants look good to me.


ROFL @ the Megalomart hoes in stretchpants,thats PMPF!I remember him saying he loves his old Burton mittens so much compared to any new ones on the market.Thats why he resorted to sewing the wiperblade on to them.

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