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Traffic on double blacks

Metz the Jersey boy

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Alright, here's a serious problem I'm noticing, and the daily reports are proving it to me. There are far too many skiers on trails that they shouldn't be on. Why am I seeing the ever-present pizza wedge on Razors, challenge, and Falls... I mean, yeah, the last time I was out there I had to take it easy on razors, but i was in control... If I see one more noob get on the headwall, fall into the backseat, wedge up his/her skis, fly straight down out of control, take out 3 people, set up a yardsale at the bottom of the headwall, and then take 3 and a half hours to collect all their equipment and get back into their rental skis, I'm going to flip out on them. Why is it that THOSE are the people that never get reported to ski patrol? THEY are the ones skiing outside of the code, being out of control and in WAY over their heads. They should have their tickets marked, and revoked if they get caught doing it again. Who's with me?

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Alright, here's a serious problem I'm noticing, and the daily reports are proving it to me. There are far too many skiers on trails that they shouldn't be on. Why am I seeing the ever-present pizza wedge on Razors, challenge, and Falls... I mean, yeah, the last time I was out there I had to take it easy on razors, but i was in control... If I see one more noob get on the headwall, fall into the backseat, wedge up his/her skis, fly straight down out of control, take out 3 people, set up a yardsale at the bottom of the headwall, and then take 3 and a half hours to collect all their equipment and get back into their rental skis, I'm going to flip out on them. Why is it that THOSE are the people that never get reported to ski patrol? THEY are the ones skiing outside of the code, being out of control and in WAY over their heads. They should have their tickets marked, and revoked if they get caught doing it again. Who's with me?



this is an issue that doesnt just relate to booter. it happens all over the place and has been disgused many times here. im totally with you. having my accident taught me alot about skiing. these people really do ruin it for the rest of us.

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Unfortunately in this situation the downhill skier has the right of way. All to often I overhear kids from schoolgroups and others bragging about how they made it down a double black or a black diamond, and when I see them out there they are sitting on their skis or boards and sledding down the hill. It seems as if there is nothing we can do to educate those who use the mountain only a few times a year on the proper ways to ski and ride. Many of the customers of mountains in our area see their day there as another day at the amusement park, where they want no responsibility for themselves and take no responsibility for their actions. Like others have said before, it unfortunately may take someones death or serious injury in the park, or on an expert run, before mountains begin to consider this issue and re-evaluate the signage used to educate customers.

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Unfortunately in this situation the downhill skier has the right of way. All to often I overhear kids from schoolgroups and others bragging about how they made it down a double black or a black diamond, and when I see them out there they are sitting on their skis or boards and sledding down the hill. It seems as if there is nothing we can do to educate those who use the mountain only a few times a year on the proper ways to ski and ride. Many of the customers of mountains in our area see their day there as another day at the amusement park, where they want no responsibility for themselves and take no responsibility for their actions. Like others have said before, it unfortunately may take someones death or serious injury in the park, or on an expert run, before mountains begin to consider this issue and re-evaluate the signage used to educate customers.



thats the thing, people have been getting hurt left and right, on blacks, and greens at cb. has cb done anything? no. they are fully aware of it, and do nothing, let alone, say nothing about it. people have gotten serious injures, and others have died (not sure about any deaths at cb though)


oh, i keep forgeting this isnt really about cb, but you get the idea

Edited by Shadows
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I agree


I was at the top of the park today waiting to go and looked down the hill towards the first set of booters. I all I saw was some skier ski right under the lib of the right booter right as a snowboarder was .76689 seconds away from hitting it. Never saw it comin. WWWWWAAABBBAAMMM






It wasn't pretty...... :blowingup:

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Well, what can we do about the situation? I am all for park passes, and along with that, black diamond passes. Do it just like creek does it. 5 bucks for the season, all you have to do is watch a 10 minute video...


God knows it would help alleviate a lot of problems.

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If I see one more noob get on the headwall, fall into the backseat, wedge up his/her skis, fly straight down out of control, take out 3 people, set up a yardsale at the bottom of the headwall, and then take 3 and a half hours to collect all their equipment and get back into their rental skis, I'm going to flip out on them.


i already do yell at them it seems to be very effictive too :wiggle

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I am an intermediate skier and the blacks are often challenging for me. My one self imposed rule is that if I can't stop at any point on a trail then I don't belong there. I understand that you will never know if you can ski a trail until you try it, but if you can't stop on a green or blue then you have no business on the blacks. Why wreck someone else's run or hurt another skier so you can brag to your pals that you skied Challenge? This is the reason that I stay out of the park. I have no idea what I am doing and would totally be in the way. Oh well.

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I would consider myself an intermediate boarder, the black still hold some challenge for me, but I'm comfortable enough to ride them withoutany risk to myself or anyone around me, but whilst I agree with your original point, you can't expect the mountain to do anything about it, it's just revenue for them and it would be too difficult to enforce this kind of control. There is nothing you can do about idiots that don't know their limitations, no matter where they might be.


At CB on sunday I was taken out as I was following my daughter down a blue trail at CB, some jerk in a football jacket and jeans (no gloves, no hat, no goggles) in the standard "loosely guided pizza" formation comes arm waving down the trail behind us, loses a ski, veers rapidly sideways into the back of my legs. My head (in my recently purchased helmet) hit the "hardpack" hard enough for me to see stars, I don't doubt that without the helmet I would have been at best unconcious. The guy retrieves his ski, says "hey did you see that? this is awsome"


Needless to say, my response was not polite.

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Early morning ripper runs and gaper runs in the park the rest of the day, you can't do anything about crowds, besides you want crowds. that shows the sport is flourishing. I am with you Metz. I think that tickets should be marked, that ski patrol should educate, that they want to see them return another time and that they are on slopes beyond their ability, etc..


I saw a neat policy/practice somewhere.. Ski patrol/rangers would periodically hand out a momento at the bottom of the slope that said "I skied Challenge" to those who wrecked or pizza'd the whole thing.


The idea is: Congratulations!! You did it and you are still alive! Now go take a lesson...


This is the reason that I stay out of the park. I have no idea what I am doing and would totally be in the way. Oh well.


There is nothing wrong with being in the park, learn the basic rules and stay off to the sides, always look up before moving, never stand in an area where someone is likely to come hurtling from the sky. Respect gets respect. From your post, I think you would be a great example to follow by even if you are not hitting stuff.



Well, what can we do about the situation?


Rental Skis should not be allowed in the park or on diamonds???

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...besides you want crowds. that shows the sport is flourishing.


That's funny.




Brother Skitzo's assessment is correct...and the driving force behind any lack of change. Montage was pretty empty on Sunday. The race crew didn't rope off the NASTAR course, so people could ski down the side of the race slope. But they did put up huge orange warning signs that said "Race in Progress" and there are a whole bunch of very obvious gates running down the race course. Nevertheless, people would ski past the start shack, then wander into the course, around a few gates, then back off to the side. Beginners as well as intermediate skiers and boarders did this...equal opportunity 'stupid'. But if you clipped or marked any of their tickets, they'd feel picked on and probably not buy another ticket at Montage; that's the thought process.


So we wait at the top and then hope for the best, which is not hitting someone at 40mph.

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On saturday I realized why Blues double dimonds are all ways busier than CBs...


You can see the trails from blue's lifts..>You can see what they look like, how steep it is, if there are bumps...CB all you can see is from the top, and it usually looks pretty nasty at the beggining, then gets nicer.

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but if you can't stop on a green or blue then you have no business on the blacks. Why wreck someone else's run or hurt another skier so you can brag to your pals that you skied Challenge?


if you ski a green really fast, or any trail for that matter, the distance it takes to stop becomes drastically longer. its not whether or not you can stop, its whether or not you will have enough control and/or time to stop incase you "accidently" come up from behind and hit someone.

if a person doesnt know how to stop, regardless of what color trail it is, he/she shouldnt be on any trail other than the bunny slopes that have a tow rope or a magic carpet. the people who say they can "stop" are the ones going super slow and pizza wedging until they hit a flat spot on the trail and lose momentum.


im not picking on you or insulting you, im just using your comments as my reason.


Rental Skis should not be allowed in the park or on diamonds???


theres alot of good enough skiers that know whate they are doing. thats how i started out. people would just complain. i hit my first box on rental skis :P

Edited by Shadows
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When I say people who can't stop on double blacks shouldn't ski them that is me extremely frustrated at the people who ski and can't stop anywhere. Like you say Shadows, if you can't stop don't ski off of the bunny hill. I am just sore (in more ways than one) about the guy who decided I was the perfect person to hit to stop himself from tumbling the whole way down Challenge, TWICE. I have an ugly green bruise on my thigh, which totally sucks. Sorry, but I don't need help hurting myself, I do well enough on my own.

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I'm DEFINITELY for no rental skis on advanced trails or in parks. If you're that good, buy skis, or get a season rental from a local shop, thats what I always did while I was still growing a lot. That way I could outgrow skis and not worry about having to buy new ones the next year.


If all else fails- completely humiliate those who don't belong where they are.


ok, I was joking... kinda. :devil:

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I am all for having less traffic on double blacks, or the same ammount of traffic just with people who actually know how to ride or ski. The people who just plow or pizza down the hill should not be on there. I got yelled at on montage for going "TO FAST" on a cannonball. Last night at blue a few friends of mine got there tickets clipped for going to fast again.. What about the people who go "To Slow or cause hazards to other riders and skiers" on advanced trails that they shouldn't be on. I really dislike ski patrol sometimes.

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yea i never got the whole thing about skiing to fast. what the hell is that crap? skiing to fast on an advanced trail? the only threat we pose by skiing too fast is to the ones who ski too slow or dont know how to ski in the first place.


plus, half the time we ski "fast" down a trail, we wait for all the noobs to clear, or wait till they are all on one side of the trail making their slow wide sweeps back and forth across the trail

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Skiing fast...Thats a funny term.


I may ski fast relitive to a noob, but I ski uber slow compaired to D$. I guess most of the time I ski 'fast' in the patrolers eyes, but that doesn't mean that it is either fast or dangourus. I figure if your in a turn of some form (not a snowplow) then you are able to arc your skis, and finish your turn to avoid an obstical/person or stop. If you are straight lining a trail, in a snow plow (or even just straight lining it) then you probably should be yelled at for it...And thats what I tell the rangers/patrollers if they want to give me a hard time (which most of them don't anymore)

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