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Everything posted by saltyant

  1. I wasnt aware that Razor's is generally off limits every weekend morning. That's disappointing. Is Challenge at least open to the public?
  2. Look Steeze I was checking out Blue's webcams for snowmaking (This is great!!!) and they now have an app for your stats.
  3. I'll bring extra face masks in case anyone needs one.
  4. Ok. I have high expectations for Saturday and expect nothing less than western groomers.
  5. I'm starting to get kind of stoked to ski this weekend. Maybe I'll even ski for more than an hour for the first time this season!
  6. Atomic used to go to Vermont but then he got a job. His hat told me so.
  7. Hopefully conditions will be better by then. If so maybe I'll go night skiing. Today conditions were horrendous but the sausage and shrimp were excellent.
  8. Thanks wow great report! I'm surprised you're skiing at JF since I thought you have a season pass to True Blue. I plan to get back to Jackson Frost if that cold you promised ever gets here.
  9. I've never whined about anything. I was merely making an observation like Galileo.
  10. I guess you meant 1/5/18 but close enough. Excellent post with brilliant originality. 10/10. When are you skiing at True Blue? Tomorrow morning? Are you still skiing on your Atomics?
  11. Nice how bad was it, really, really deep sugar?
  12. I hate waking up early. I set my alarm for 6:25 and can get there 10 minutes before first chair which is close enough. When I worked at a grocery store 5 minutes away I would set my alarm for 6:50 am and usually make it on time for 7:00 am. Just wake up, put on my clothes and leave.
  13. That's impossible. I'm lucky if I get there for 7:50.
  14. Ok. Can I park in Steeze's spot? I don't know who owns which spot.
  15. Ok, cant wait to ski 1 or 2 runs on sugar and then maybe eat fruit by the foot in the parking lot!
  16. Who is the guy in the blue jacket? I used to wear glasses and looks like me from that angle.
  17. I already checked for exif data and there isn't any.
  18. The problem is it's difficult to break a Fruit by the Foot into two pieces without someone else touching one of the halves. I guess we could both grab an end but then it's harder to separate it cleanly, or the broken piece might be significantly shorter or longer than intended.
  19. Maybe I'll finally get to meet you and we can do First Tŕax together.
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