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Everything posted by mbike-ski

  1. It sure was nice seeing everything coated in white. Magic today, natural trails were pretty ski’d off but fun, migrated back to the groomed with fun little bump line forming along the edge of the race training slope
  2. Nice we were on the other side of the hill at Pico
  3. Thursday night forecast was calling for 6-10 at Gore, drove through rain until it turned to snow just south of Lake George. Drove through some Star Wars snow on the way to the hill Friday morning, only about 3” fell but first few freshly coated groomers were sublime, Lies opened up mid morning and was mad technical navigating wales , rocks and bumps. Mild temps, falling snow, low crowds and watching kids from all over the world huck their meat in the World University games made for a great day! Pico ski’d awesome today, 7or so inches groomed in for some early morning western groometish screamers before lapping summit glades au natural until legs and snow got beat up. Heard crowds at K were krazy, we had another day of country club skiing. Christened the new skis with a nice gash but as @indiggio says, outta the box and into the rocks ! Magic tomorrow on Indy Pass
  4. we did Friday night ski club there for years. The food was done by an outside vendor and a really nice family, great fresh cut fries and they even baked a cake for one of the kids birthdays one year...
  5. wtf no morning report today ?!?!?! how am I supposed to "work" ?!?!?
  6. saw these on the tgrz and immediately thought of @Johnny Law
  7. yup $80 with the passholders discount, if you bought the skis or binders at blue it's half I think
  8. cool looking forward to another great TR and and pics!
  9. WJW @RidgeRacer you always seem to see conditions through rose colored glasses, you must have gotten spoiled in AZ, lol! I thought tonight’s conditions were pretty good, some piles to bounce through but everything was edgable and fast’ish. I would have done more runs, the issue for me wasn’t the snow but the clusters of goobers skiing in every direction
  10. nastar night anyone? @AtomicSkier@Johnny Law @nastarglenn @Dirtwolf
  11. faaaack, anyone wanna ride bikes?
  12. In college I spent a semester in Rome and when school was done a buddy and I went to Kitzbuhel to ski. When we arrived there was no snow and were told the only snow was the glacier in Kaprun so we hopped on a train to Zellam See
  13. Scary thing is it ran again after that, hopefully just firing up the diesel?
  14. might have to do a Friday am session before work
  15. Me and Mrs S were stuck about a foot from the top platform for maybe 15 mins, I think TPhead was a few chairs behind us, .
  16. Ive never seen as many people on the snow at one time as there were on homestretch and standing around the base area yesterday afternoon 😐
  17. Damn I needed to get some shit done today and knew if I went this morning/SS the day would be a waste lol. Went up this afternoon for few tele runs through some of the snow and sand left on the sides
  18. @Mixilplix @toast21602 maybe skinny ski at weiser?
  19. Ski’d with MrsS from about 11:30 to 1:00, snow was good viz not so much, skiing in the snow is fun! First Tele Sunday of the season
  20. worked for me, the sous chef at Rendezvous is definitely a celebrity!
  21. Things are looking good! I noticed they took the slack out of the lines running between the towers, shit's gettin' tight!
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