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Everything posted by indiggio

  1. indiggio


    I thought Switchback was the best. Every time I rode it, I had the entire slope to myself.
  2. Hero snow on all runs tonight with small patches of hard packed here and there. Barney's, Nightmare and Challenge bumps were all in excellent shape, with a slight fill from the falling snow. Snow was falling from the time I got there until I left around 8:30. Of course, on the way home I had to get behind a pickup truck, but to my surprise they pulled over shortly after I caught up and let me pass! However, the same couldn't be said for some Jersey driver who was just in front of the pickup. They did 20-25 MPH from the stoplight at the board shop all the way to 946/987 intersection. Why people refuse to pull over when they have a string of cars behind them and they insist on driving at a snail's pace continues to baffle me?
  3. My first Langes were just all grey.
  4. You do have to watch with boot/binding compatibility in terms of size though. If you have shoe size to either extreme and the bindings were mounted the opposite, you may not have enough adjustability/travel in the bindings to properly fit the boot sole and may require remounting of the bindings to the skis. Probably unlikely, but a possibility.
  5. Wrong forum/thread. Take it to the Drivers one.
  6. I heard same thing happened to a patroller some years back. Fell, hit his head, thought he was fine, a few days later he didn't report to work and they found him dead at home. Traumatic Brain Injury...
  7. indiggio


    Ray was cool. I used to boot up in the area by his office and he'd regularly stop and chat while blowing pipe smoke around.
  8. With all the beginners out and the antics thereof when attempting to un/load, it was no wonder that the lifts kept stopping yesterday. Many times at the quad, we took to yelling "GO!, GO!, GO!", to which we were met with looks like we had two heads or something. It just boggles the mind that people who have never ridden the lifts don't watch how others get on and just follow suit. It's not that difficult!
  9. Left the mountain shortly after 5pm.
  10. I got back home too late and too tired to post a report. Conditions were pretty good all day though, especially on the sides of Challenge.
  11. Aren't you supposed to be out skiing?
  12. Right! The moment income drops below whatever threshold, they're closing up shop regardless of how bad the start was. They're not going to keep racking up expenses just for season pass holders.
  13. I second Alpina, Dieter is a great guy! I wanted Dalbello's but my feet just didn't get along with them. Will definitely get my next pair from there.
  14. indiggio


    No wonder they don't have the webcams pointing at lift lines anymore!
  15. indiggio


    I hear it's a shit-show up there, with all the schools being closed.
  16. Epic day at Blue!! Still pumping. 945 closed. iMHO, best powder day ever at Little Gap/Blue, but this old man's memory is suspect due to alcohol consumption!
  17. Wicked good day. Runs refilling practically every lap.
  18. I have, but nowhere near as bad as pooping on a deep-sea fishing boat off the Jersey coast, with just a toilet seat on top of a bucket heading out to sea.
  19. Looks like Cape May is gonna get the worst of this storm!
  20. Last I heard it was coming later and with less snow??? Jury is out, nobody knows what the fuck this storm is gonna do.
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