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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. Gets below freezing in about 12 hours to stop the melting…
  2. Looks like 20”+ new snow today at whistler. Should be a fun one.
  3. You had me at 69…my friends motto is wine me fine me 69 me.
  4. I am…ok I gotta fax something lol and then my grandson Braydon is gonna show me how to use my new iPhone SE
  5. I was talking to one of the boomers about it and I think so. I’m like one of the boomers as I’d have probably used gift card if it was an actual gift card not in the cloud.
  6. I’ll buy it on 4/1…payment plan and again prob not use my gift card or buddy pass.
  7. When does the season pass sale end?
  8. Cloudy and mild no rain in the forecast until Sunday afternoon.
  9. They better put directional arrows because people are gonna land off the trail…I’d prob end up in the ditch cause I’d definitely hit that with speed..wouldn’t want to get knuckled.. They need to bring back the wall ride…I enjoyed that feature. we did see somebody do a nose butter into a front flip in come around park with not a lot of air. It was insane. Best I ever did when I would get mad steezy air was like a mule kick ski grab mcflurry or maybe a double lindy with sprinkles..
  10. My company does not allow hot beverages..after the McDonald’s lawsuit, my attorney has advised against it. Also I saw big snow is in New Jersey..I didn’t know there were mountains in jersey. Thought it was all pizza shops and salt water taffy stands and fist pumping..gym tan and laundry..and I have a confession to make, salt water taffy is overrated..it looks cool in those 1917 machines but it just doesn’t deliver..sorry not sorry.
  11. Well this might be a rare season we have a few weeks of nice spring conditions as opposed to cold at the end. I’ll take the spring skiing
  12. Sounds like a nice hill station yes yes is there a mascot and benches?
  13. Nah he’s more laid back now and likes that you enjoy fine seafood at ski resorts
  14. Wow I’m just seeing this I was..I actually booked a company team building outing tomorrow at Camelback..I was unaware. Do you know anywhere else in the pocono mountains that would accommodate a group of 3 with extreme type winter activities?
  15. Anything in the long range forecast? Should we be planting tomatoes early!! The bass is pretty deep in some areas and pretty shallow in others but thanks to infrared sensors in the groomers, they know the base depth without even a ruler or guesstimating.. @DiMe if need be they could push out some of the jumps on nightmare times dreamweaver and use that extra snow on thin areas lol. Just kidding but why does that second booter on nightmare go straight into a corner with no snow? Are people supposed to land then turn hard left..it’s weird and I viewed it several times earlier but no park rats to ask.
  16. Why didn’t they like the observation tower? I’m adding Gettysburg to my PA bucket list..I’ve driven 15 near Gettysburg about 35 times and never went beyond the sheetz or Burger King at one of the Gettysburg exits. One guy I know used to take his son for a weekend there every year and they’d came in the fields and then stayed at some old school huge hotel and conference center where the Demaloys do their jamborees.
  17. Will they have summer jobs? What a time to be a teenager..even the local hot dog shops are paying $15 an hour. I worked three jobs the summer between 10th and 11th grades. Paper boy, mowed a bunch of lawns and Rita’s Italian ice $4.25 an hour. Now I just ski 2 hours a day or an hour and a half and post random shit online
  18. I bet the bumps were nice. I bet razors stayed nice….raining here in the A for the last hour or so. When I drove away at 10:45am it was 55 degrees and I put the AC on in my car. I should have skipped the upper body under armor and just worn a t shirt under my jacket I’ve been pretty good about not getting fast food much this ski season but I was so sweaty and gross after skiing I got chic fil a…was elite as always…I just got the 8 nugget combo that would be a light snack for @Dirtwolf their buffalo sauce is Buss’n
  19. Good one Salty and stop at the Mint
  20. Nice enjoy, are you staying in your RV? Also stowe is barely supposed to get any rain tomorrow so you might luck out. 5 degrees Friday morning. Brrrr but warming up fast.
  21. Yeah Nastar Glenn stayed at the Alpenhof with his family in 2006 and returned for lunch in 2018
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