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Everything posted by zzslope

  1. zzslope


    awesome conditions thursday.
  2. I don't wear any devices while skiing, so I just didn't hear you, my apology.
  3. I was very surprised that the usual first chair group of PASER's was not the first chair group this morning. I guess Atomic Jeff is the one who keeps an eye on the time? The skiing was very good today. The interesting thing today was what GSS alluded to in his post, there was a hint of opening day type happiness in the crowd. This cold snap feels like it is extending the season, making it feel as if we are getting a second season. The optimism was infectious.
  4. You will fit right in. A close friend used to live in Lake Charles, La.
  5. Don't know exactly, need to go there for new boots from surefoot, hate to go up during bad conditions.
  6. The trail in the second picture looks like fun, I really must get to utah.
  7. Those indoor park/hotel places are pricey but, several people I work with have taken their family up and they all loved it, most have gone multiple times.
  8. awesome. Is Vermont going to see any of that?
  9. That is an awesome line. I enjoyed the mini seminar about the tombstone business, thanks GSS.
  10. When I awoke this morning I thought to myself, self, start the week off right, take a vacation day and go to Blue. Turned out to be a great decision. Monday mornings are quiet uncrowded blissful, liftlineless, beauty. Conditions were very good across the variety of groomed trails that keep me coming back each year. The new bumps on the final headwall of razors were a pleasantly enjoyable distraction. ROTD was a tie between Razors and Upper Sidewinder. Great decision, great day, hope it's not the last day at blue this year, but if it is, it was a good one.
  11. Heard that complaint more than once. Past times that rely on weather are fickle.
  12. zzslope


    Bit of an off year, more weekday morning sessions this year (gonna love that when I retire in a few years). No weekend work but, every other Saturday afternoon for close to a year I have been with a tattoo artist.
  13. zzslope


    Morning session at blue today, decided to get some before the weather poops again. Surprised by the shape the trails were in, way better than expected. I skied most of the groomed runs from paradise to burma, some were a little better than others but generally everything was good, except the moguls, they were frozen solid. ROTD; Upper sidewinder, Razors a close second.
  14. Having mobil homes in tornado prone areas is called Mobicide.
  15. Just designate a "picnic lunch" area in each lodge. Everybody is happy and the security guards have something to do.
  16. zzslope


    Morning session at blue today, seemed an ominous start when two skiers on the second six pack chair of the morning missed getting on, and got pushed off the end of the loading platform. Upon arrival at 7:30a snow was being blown on paradise, razors, and upper sidewinder. 1st run was nightmare / dream weaver the new man made on it was sticky and crusty, razors was similar, post headwall. Everything from Challenge to Main was in good shape except the falls which was death cookie extraordinaire. Lower main suffered some cookies too. The reason I didn't venture past main was due to Barney's bumps being in great shape, every line was good all morning, a few minimal slick spots when I left, but still in good shape overall. Valley parking lot was full when I left at noon with several cars wandering the rows for an open spot. This time of year, from now until the last day is cool due to all the sky trip stories you hear on the lift, heard several today.
  17. zzslope

    Feb 117

    That may be some sage advice. Gotta go to Killington for new boots at the surefit store this year.
  18. Good day at blue, pretty good coverage in the next to lazy mile glade, did most of my runs in the bumps and wow they were deep.
  19. zzslope

    Feb 117

    Up for a morning session @ blue. Cold to start, warmed up quickly. Come around & sidewinder were closed with lots of man made to groom. Most trails were decent with random hard and/or sugary spots. Burma was a deep sugar nightmare top to bottom that kept your attention. The bumps on nightmare and dream weaver were solid with deep sharp ruts with slight improvement as the morning progressed. The bumps on barney's had been seeded overnight making them a groomer track, frozen snowball delight. One or two other skiers and I ran the inside line a few times on barney's so it improved some. ROTD was widow maker to chute or midway. Today was the second day in a row that I have had an older gentleman almost skewer my face with the business end of his poles in the lodge, am I on some list I'm not aware of?
  20. At opening bell the conditions were hard pack, but as JFskiDan said, it turned to piles of sugar quickly, a fat ski day for sure. Paradise, Lazy and Burma were particularly sugary. The bumps on Barney's, Nightmare, and Dreamweaver (yes, Dreamweaver) were freshly seeded roughness, so very few people ventured into them and as such they did not improve much. Slim and Gary tried to work some of them but it was an overwhelming job so they decided to "let nature take it's course", they were skiable but it was challenging. According to a lift attendant the 6 was closed due to a "pond" on the top ramp, I skied by it a couple of times but did not see evidence of any ponding. My assessment of the ROTD was Widowmaker, Switchback a close second.
  21. First chair this a.m.. Overnight freeze so everything was hard and fast at first. Started to turn to deep granular from 9 to 11 when I left. Skiers left on lazy was getting deep. Razors was closed for an up coming event, they were spraying something on it later in the morning. The bumps were frozen death, looked like they got skied hard while they were slushy yesterday then froze overnight. Saw Toast headed down Main St..
  22. i came upon that too. I was ahead of you, no police when I went by.
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