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Everything posted by zzslope

  1. Thought I saw you once. Spent most of the morning in the bumps, skiers right line was good, skiers left bumps had ice in the troughs. Skied a few other trails, everything was good..
  2. Hayata, Mrs. Hayata, and I enjoyed a morning session at blue today. Nowhere near the crowds of yesterday. We skied Paradise, NMDW, Sidewinder, Razors, Challenge, Lazy, Switchback, and Main St. on our first pass. Everything was improved from yesterday except Razors as Root explained and Challenge had hard to see ice patches to be wary of on the headwall. On subsequent passes across the mountain NMDW had become scraped off with sizeable ice patches, everything else was holding up well. We felt Sidewinder was ROTD for top to bottom snow quality. The bumps were freshly seeded and Indiggo and other bumpers were working them into shape.
  3. Many customers today, I saw large groups of racers everywhere I went. The six was busy, the main street chair was empty. The conditions were decent considering the thaw/freeze/rain cycle we just had. The parking spot searchers were out in force, there were so many cars incoming when I left at 10:30, I had a hard time getting out of the valley lot.
  4. I was at blue to score first chair today, it did crowd up quickly, (saw a couple charter buses in the lot) It wasn't terrible but surprising, enough people on home stretch that it was getting that close together roller rink feel to it . Lines at the six moved well up until I left around 10:30 - 11, looked like the main street side was empty but I didn't venture past lazy/falls as the lower park was closed and central park had a good sized hill that I didn't feel like climbing. Everything started off as frozen cord, very fast. Falls was super hard during my time there, challenge stayed hard and icyish all morning, razors about the same. Sidewinder and NMDW were decent, paradise and lazy were pretty good. I skied the blue baumer glade next to lazy a couple times, it was fun with huge, long whale type bumps and deep valleys.
  5. how much of the 140,000 was setup cost? that must be a lot of work to place one of them.
  6. Mabey they are worried due to all the falls from the lifts this year?
  7. I've ridden with people like that. I guess they forget that the lift slows down to a crawl at the top?
  8. hayata and I always park in the line that is facing you that backs up to the beginner hill.
  9. Council rock is newtown a little south but just as expensive.
  10. I look out of place in my own hometown. In doylestown add maserati to that list.
  11. Why DC instead of say delaware? Job?
  12. Quakertown is moving up in cost as well, because a lot of people took your advise.
  13. You have to know what an eaf is.
  14. Oh, old place, cheap rent makes sense. $950 is more along the line of what I see here. I am seeing a point in the future when taking care of my property is going to be a problem. Just leaf cleanup alone takes a full day with a 5 horsepower push blower and 2 handheld blowers and I had to do that at least 10 or 12 times this year. I know people that love the retirement communities they are in but my wife is not on board with that. You have to go pretty far away from philly before the cost becomes reasonable.
  15. Forgot about electric. $725 is cheap but I am comparing it to here in central bucks.
  16. That rate is comparable to an apartment but I guess you don't pay heat, so actually better than an apartment, and no one month (or more) up front . Can you pay several months in advance for lower rate?
  17. Small kitchen as in oven, fridge, sink etc... I have a tendency toward minimalism so I think that is were my intrigue stems from.
  18. The ski I am on most at blue is 78 underfoot. My slush/crud/fresh snow ski is 88 underfoot. Very happy with those choices.
  19. For some reason I find the living in a hotel thing intriguing.
  20. One of my co-workers went to the Ukraine 3 or 4 times to visit girls that he met on line. He went skiing during one of those visits. Until the war with Russia, or what ever they are calling it now, he was seriously considering moving there upon retirement this month.
  21. Totally agree. The bumps were very good today as well. Hayata wasn't there today, late night after a concert, he knows you by sight. My apologies for ignoring you, I would have liked to say hello.
  22. skied at mount snow in the rain and my "gore tex" gloves soaked through, hands got cold, borrowed some medical gloves from the kitchen staff, put them on under the wet gloves, was ok the rest of the day. Now when I go on a ski trip I carry a pair of cotton gloves and a pair of dishwashing type gloves that fit over the cotton ones in case of rain. looks odd, works well.
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