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Doug and Atomic Jeff almost got kicked out!


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no, not if he is volunteering his time to help other the kids in the program.


That's called a coach, which requires alot of training, hence the reason why Justo8484 isn't a coach, or his brother. Blue wanted them to do all this training to be a freeride coach, and it wasn't worth it Justo said.

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That's called a coach, which requires alot of training, hence the reason why Justo8484 isn't a coach, or his brother. Blue wanted them to do all this training to be a freeride coach, and it wasn't worth it Justo said.


To be called a "coach" requires that a lot of fees be paid to attend some classes.

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To be called a "coach" requires that a lot of fees be paid to attend some classes.


exactly. what jeff said is right too though. there were a lot of requirements i just didnt feel like meeting in order to teach for the program, unfortunately. i dont feel like i would have benefitted as a skier from a lot of the certifications i would have had to take, and therefore, didnt pursue it. and what toast does for freeriders is volunteer work more along the lines of park crew, although he is not a coach. he helps them fix and set up features, and gives the kids some encouragement and example. he's got every right to cut liftlines with them since he is helping the program.

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I thought I would be doing a good thing by becoming a freeride "coach" this year. Im not the best rider on the mountain, but I definitely feel like I have something to offer to the up and comers. I want to support the freeride movement to the best of my ability, and I see Blues new program as the best way to do that in our region. I personally chose to put money out of my own pocket to get certified to give this program and others like it as many chances as possible to succeed, it also hasn't hurt that the certification process has taught me a ton about the fundamentals of skiing, and has made me a better all around skier. "Coaches," one in particular, have put alot of their PERSONAL AND UNPAID time into this, along with a good amount of their own money. I personally feel that they deserve a ton more respect than what they get from many people at the mountain. I cant speak for race "coaches," because I have never been involved with the race program. But I do know that the freeride "coaches" are idolized by many of their students, and in a style of skiing that is almost all about watching and learning, they are the best thing our genre of skiing has going for it.

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First off, I am not gay. But Johnny Weir is from Coatesville (the armpit of Chester Country) which is like 15 minutes away from where I live so the local paper always has articles on him. If you ever decide to go to Coatesville I suggest you invest in a bullet proof vest.



I helped deliver a tombstone to Coatsville once and yeah, that towns seen better dayz. There are houses for sale in town for like 30,000 dollars. Plus the crackheadz sell TVs for mad cheap..what what... :o


You guys better watch it, Other Side of the Tracks Bob is originally from "the armpit of Chester County". He moved to Great Valley years ago, so we don't have the bullet proof vest anymore.

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Allentown sucks period. They need to seriously bomb the place and start over and drive out the hoodlums by raising the taxes or by building new houses to drive up the price that the hoodlums can't afford. I hear on the southside (I think) or wherever the river is, they are going to make condos or something that are waterfront properties.


My grandmother swears the day Hess's came down, the city went to hell.

Edited by skifreak
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Allentown sucks period. They need to seriously bomb the place and start over and drive out the hoodlums by raising the taxes or by building new houses to drive up the price that the hoodlums can't afford. I hear on the southside (I think) or wherever the river is, they are going to make condos or something that are waterfront properties.


My grandmother swears the day Hess's came down, the city went to hell.

Who's Hess?

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Big department store in Bethlehem.


And yea Skifreak, they already have some condos on the river, and they're going for some big $$$, and people are buying them...amazing.


That would be a big department store in Allentown (that I was reffering to), but I think one of the branch stores was in the Westgate Mall? Thanks for the info on those condos, I heard about them but didn't know if they built them yet or if they were still proposing the idea.

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could it be because they act like they own the mountain? or maybe because they get to close off trails every damn day? or maybe its because their kids cut the lines even when they aren't racing? wait, maybe its because their kids come ripping through the park even though they have 2 trails closed off? or, it could be that i heard one of the race coaches told their kids to go through the park and ruin the lips on rails and jumps?


for the same reasons, i dont like anything race related at blue.

wow ruin lips on jumps and rails? Seems like they are going out of their way to ruin our fun. I got no time for disrespectful ppl like that, anyone up for some ass kicking? :rock

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Mt first trip to Blue was in the mid 90's. On my way home I stopped at McDonalds on 145. I had no idea about the less than desireable population of people in the Allentown area. How did it turn into that?


When NYC and parts of NJ increased taxes etc. the troublemakers could no longer afford to live there. They saw how cheap homes, rent, and taxes were in Allentown, which was very close by, they decided to move here and bring all the problems of big cities to Allentown.


If the Queen City ever wants to return to normal, they have to raise taxes and rebuild the city by ripping down the old row homes and making new ones that make it too expensive for the troublemakers to live in Allentown.

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According to what keeps being repeated in this thread everyone who lives in Allentown is a "troublemaker" who most likely has a relative in jail and lives off welfare.


It must be hard to look down on people with your noses so high in the air.


I think most people agree that not everyone in A-Town is a "Troublemaker"

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Actually I think we said that everyone who lives in Coatesville is a "troublemaker" and that Allentown is doomed to the same fate. And yes, when you are a snobby eliteist like me, it gets pretty hard to keep looking down on people. I usually get a massage at least once a month for the sore neck I get. I also don't tip the masseuse.. damn dirty Coatevillians.

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And yes, when you are a snobby eliteist like me, it gets pretty hard to keep looking down on people. I usually get a massage at least once a month for the sore neck I get. I also don't tip the masseuse.. damn dirty Coatevillians.


Edited by Schifdawg
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Sorry to get back on topic but I don't read this much. I was at Blue Sunday morning too. Take it easy on the patrollers, most can recognize skiers in control and those out of control but attitude is usually what gets you the ticket. Then we don't feel bad about it. You say Mark said you can go fast on any other run - as long as you don't endanger other skiers. That part is always disputable so don't think you found a loophole in the system :) If you want to beat the system join the patrol...plus, no liftlines.


You should have stuck around until challenge was opened. It was so soft (by Blue Mountain's standards), top to bottom.

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