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Everything posted by RidgeRacer

  1. I know this doesnt answer your question but why stop there? Why not pop another CD in and keep going north till it becomes the northway for bigger mountains?
  2. Weekday but I have until March 31st to upgrade it to a full for the difference in price. Leaning towards doing that.
  3. Tonight was fun. Snow was much better than I thought it would be. Switchback was the run of the night. Not sure about this weekend yet. Possibly Friday night. Definitely can't tomorrow but I'm sure I'll get a lot more days with you guys. Tomorrow should be nice.
  4. Switchback and nightmare to dream weaver are great tonight.
  5. Just arrived to sunny skys and 18 degree temps. Day 20 for the season. Day 10 at Blue and day 1 as an official pass holder. Stoked to call Blue home. Snow is decent. Sugar in spots, some chalk, semi grippy. Should be a fun night. Crowds are sparse.
  6. They rarely go into April. A few seasons ago they had no choice since they had to make their 100 days. But I would say use that bad boy up soon because once they hit 100 they're pretty much finished
  7. RidgeRacer

    Any snow?

    I brought my stuff to work so I'll be there probably for a little bit this evening.
  8. Because it's free. Not because it's good. haha
  9. hell i'll take one if there are any left. pm sent.
  10. I feel like I haven't been to Jackson frost in forever. They need to toss some dealios back out there cause $52 at the window ain't happening.
  11. If Mont' tage was closer to me I'd be there plenty more for sure.
  12. I didn't know Ride Delaware posted in the accu weather forums
  13. All of the Wyoming Valley? How was it?
  14. Thats the most spot on accurate forecast I've seen so far. A dusting is about right.
  15. He's gonna start calling you his groupie if you keep using his hackneyed terms.
  16. Phillycore looking to go sub 100 in the waist? Did someone log into your PASR account? lol.
  17. My bad GS. Hopefully we won't have to sit through figure skating to see it.
  18. Oops double post. I'm starting to despise tapatalk.
  19. Yeah the 6 is still jacked. The quad line is getting stupid. Anyway another pic. This was fun getting in and out of.
  20. Ran the often viewed, never skied (until now) 6 pack line.
  21. Woods right of nightmare for maybe 200 yards to bottom of dream Weaver. Am I at Blue? I saw the quad line. Looks a little thin. Some people are jumping off a tiny cliff off of paradise. Fog has lifted. Blue sky above
  22. Unfortunately I came across a major spoiler inadvertently. Watch the men's slalom tonight.
  23. It's blue. They ripped off the trail name I guess. Just skied blue baumer across lazy through some more woods to about the mid way point of switch back. Skigazms galore.
  24. Just skied this. Didn't hit anything hard underneath. Scoping out more of this
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