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Black friday opening on a trail or 3?

That's my guess. Last year was similar temperatures the week before Thanksgiving and they even had lazy mile open the second or third day and the six pack like a week later. The colder the better!!!! Not many daylight hours which helps.

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I know on finish line but wondering what will become of school hill and skiwee. Maybe they can build something on those areas.

With the extended lodge now into where Explorers was, I don't think there's enough room there for anything.


Don't know what they're going to do with school hill.

May keep using it for specialized learning (moguls, freeski, etc.) classes.


Congrats TP4..on getting a pass and I agree that Rajeev should post more. I seriously think Rajeev is some troll like first grade teacher. TP4 you'd laugh at my liftline confrontations with FGT. He skis at Blue with professional looking older people and I always call him out for being an Internet troll like,"hey Larry you're a fucking Internet troll". The one time he said that's harassment. Like I give a fuck lol

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I'm still wondering where the hotel is gonna go.

They could really do it up nice with an ice skating rink and outdoor pool if they want.

I thought it was going at the summit over by the water park, but then they'd need to run shuttles down to the fishing pond...

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ya the cooking donuts line gave rajeev away, but he's an entertaining troll.  unfortunately there are not too many trolls on PASR.


I miss the old days of PASR with Skimom and ski dude and racerchick and Papasteeze and ski999. That was before I had Facebook to entertain me.

if blue charged for parking i would park at appaliachian trail

I don't think they will

Stowe doesn't even charge for parking and they're the most upscale resort in the east. I'm glad blue doesnt have parking attendants they are annoying as fuck.

I thought it was going at the summit over by the water park, but then they'd need to run shuttles down to the fishing pond...


Remember about 7 years ago when blue was gonna build condos and time shares??? At the end of the season they had posters showing the new expansion but it never happened.


Right, but they obviously had a number of hours last night that they could have blown.

With the humidity I doubt it. Their plan was to do a test today and that's what they did. Won't make any difference when it comes to their opening. What will count most will be next weeks production.


There's a big misconception that if it's snowing, you can blow snow. That's usually not the case, since humidity is high. Not sure how cold it actually got last night, but assuming it was around 30° or so, humidity would have to be ~50% or less to get good (non crappy ice-snow) production. I'd rather have em wait til they can blow good snow than deal with impenetrable ice all season.

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