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Everything posted by momskeeztoo

  1. Atomic Jeff is going to .... Vermont đŸ˜±
  2. Had a pretty good day today
  3. We’ve stayed there and liked it. Also have stayed at Mountain Sports Inn. Very basic, no bar, but clean and they have a nice great room to hang out in and BYOB. Not sure if full breakfast served after peak season. Also family owned.
  4. Yeah, I was definitely planning on Wednesday and Thursday. Hope they don’t announce a last minute closing during the week.
  5. I saw you in the parking lot. I was the next row over, getting ready to leave. I thought that was a very appropriate car for you.
  6. I thought I saw him in the lot. Makes perfect sense.
  7. Does Blue ever put their lifts on wind hold? They never have while I was there.
  8. Salty, you’re sad because GSS doesn’t play skin flute?!
  9. Hope your Mom is ok. Glad you don’t have to go to New Jersey 🙂
  10. Have fun! Gore is a nice mountain.
  11. Just buy the pass and commit yourself to going. Do it, you’ll be glad you did.
  12. I am a fan of the window seat flying out west. Flying up and down the east coast doesn’t really matter. Can’t see anything.
  13. Spring skiing and tailgating is fun. I was a little sad today out in the parking lot. No buses, no one on the hill. I wonder if they’ll be open during the week next week.
  14. momskeeztoo

    BC 3/20

    Hahahaha. They did something like this about 5 years ago.
  15. I grew up in NJ. Still have lots of family there. Trust me, you don’t want to live there.
  16. Hope tomorrow is this grand.
  17. Ugh. My niece’s baby shower is the 7th at noon in New Jersey. I haven’t committed to the shower yet for this reason.
  18. Website says pond skimming 3/31, last day of the season. Would be great if the reopened the next weekend. I was there today, not many people there. Bottom lodge bar is closed.
  19. Looks nice out. đŸŒžâ›·đŸ‚. Just walked outside, nice temperature, and not a cloud in the sky.
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