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Hunter Mountain Expansion


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HUNTER — Plans to expand Hunter Mountain were approved this week, but the green light came on the heels of a resident citing possible environmental issues.

Hunter Mountain proposed building five new trails, a new parking lot with 268 spots, a pedestrian bridge and a new access road off Deming Road. Some of the expansion crosses into the town of Jewett, according to the plans. 

The Hunter Planning Board approved the mountain’s expansion plans Tuesday. 

Resident Roy Silver addressed planning board members and asked why the mountain’s expansion had to be built on the Deming Road land, which is undeveloped.

The loss of trees could be dangerous for climate change, Silver said.

“Why not build on the side of the mountain where it’s already been developed?” he said. “They shouldn’t go ahead with where they are putting it.”

Silver said climate studies have shown winter ski resorts could be in trouble in the next 10 to 20 years because of rising temperatures.

Ski resorts need 100 days of skiing to have a full season, according to a recent study by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The study indicates ski resorts in the Northeast are in danger with the threat of climate change. {They do? How much money did the study cost? - root}

“Nights must be cold enough to allow for artificial snowmaking, and there must usually be snow during winter holidays when winter tourism is high,” according to the report. “Projections indicate that marginal ski resorts in the region will likely close and most resorts will be vulnerable by the end of the century because temperatures will become too warm to meet these criteria.”

“As of right now, I believe 120 degrees of the mountain is covered [developed],” Silver said. “If they continue to develop, 180 degrees will be covered. This will leave a giant scar on the mountain if the area someday is no longer good to ski on.”

Emphasis added my me.

More at link: https://www.hudsonvalley360.com/article/hunter-mtn-expansion-approved

New lift too. The pics are super-low res, sorry  

There’s always one complainer... could happen. What if??  Hogwash with zero facts and too much emotion.  I for one would love to see this happen.  There’s plenty of trees left and if we all start growing cannabis, we’ll be able to counter the loss of a few trees. 






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Do you mean global warming?

It's the same thing...different name. It's a name game played by those who prescribe to man-made climate change.

The thing is that earth's climate has changed many, many times in the past, and it will continue to do so in the future without man's activities. We do not have the scientific capabilities nor the statistical data set with which one can definitively say man's activities significantly impact the global climate. Now, that's not a license for us to not be good stewards of this earth.

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1 hour ago, guitar73 said:

We do not have the scientific capabilities nor the statistical data set with which one can definitively say man's activities significantly impact the global climate. Now, that's not a license for us to not be good stewards of this earth.

Agree 💯%

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30 minutes ago, toast21602 said:

So much stupid on PASR lately. Fuck.

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Sorry. Fish bite hooks.

I was waiting on a Skype interview this afternoon and couldn't focus on work, too nervous, too rainy for a bike ride, so I came and goofed around here. At least I mostly ruined my own thread. 

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I found an older news article:https://www.hudsonvalley360.com/article/jewett-and-hunter-hold-public-hearing-hunter-mountain-expansion


The ski resort hopes to have Hunter North completed by the 2018-2019 ski season.

Amazing how Hunter can build 5 news trails, new lift, access road and parking lot for next season, but Blue’s Coming soon trail... is well um... coming soon?

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