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ParkLogic Petition


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Dear Jesse Boyd,

Manager of Jack Frost and Big Boulder Resorts,


It is with great disappointment that I write this petition. Those undersigned here are not the disadvantaged of the world so I feel somewhat embarrassed to have devoted this much effort towards a seemingly consequential issue. However, I feel a wrong has been committed by your company against the customers who support your resort. The sport we love requires cooperation with companies like Peak unlike most activities. Our experience is at the whim of constant business decisions. Every year we must make our own decision as to where to spend our hard earned money. This is based upon the previous years, and promises of future upgrades.


This past fall, your company made large promises. The press release that your company put out on September 6th, 2006, promised “Shawn Orecchio and Julian Arendarski [of Mountain Creek’s Jiblab] will be responsible for developing the MidAtlantic’s most progressive and innovative terrain park program to date.” (Emphasis mine.) Everything appeared to be following your plan. I commend you for opening first, and with so much snow. I had never visited your resort prior to this year but already this season I have visited Jack Frost once and Big Boulder twice. Already I had begun writing a letter commending Peak on well things are being run. The snow was exceptional considering the weather, and the ParkLogic crew had made great progress in the park.

Suddenly, this all changed. I opened a message telling me that your company had let Shawn and Julian go. While I do not know them personally, I can not overstate my deep disappointment with your company’s decision. I can tell you that no matter what your reason, there is no one that can say this move was in your customers’ best interest. The only effect this decision could have on the terrain park, was to make it less innovative, less exciting, and of a lower quality than it otherwise would have been.


The Federal Trade Commission describes a deceptive advertising statement as one that is “likely to mislead consumers acting reasonable under the circumstance; and is “material” – important to a consumer’s decision to buy or use a product.” I can think of no greater example of deceptive advertising than your September 6th press release. More than a few people, including myself, had made decisions to come to your resort based upon the creation of ParkLogic and the employment of Shawn and Julian. I have seen their work at Mountain Creek, and believed that combined with your resort’s snowmaking, and the commitment of its management, the best terrain park in this area would be built.


Your own press release specifically touted their personal skills, their personal commitment, and their own personal experience. Now that they are no longer working for your resort, these factors are gone. Yet, the consumers who decided to buy season passes are left with a bill for hundreds of dollars, for a product that is NOT what was originally described. It is impossible for you to say that Shawn and Julian could have imparted all of their knowledge upon your terrain park staff, when a large number had never been created, and anything larger than a flat box set up by them. More over, the two brought a certain intangible element that clearly has not been replaced since their firing. Thus, I feel that you have completely misled your customers, and left your resort with a product that is inferior to that which was promised to us.


The FTC is not going to investigate this matter, but I would like to know what your company is going to do to mend your customers’ angst. Peak Resort’s own website declares “What sets Peak Resorts apart, is the spirit, pride, determination, commitment, passion, and integrity that is the integrity behind everything we do.” I would like to know what part of pride, commitment, passion, or integrity led to firing the two most influential figures in the MidAtlantic terrain park scene.


From here, there is obviously a problem for your company. There are over 1400 visits to the discussion where a group of us have unanimously decried this decision. Realize that number represents the most passionate of your customer base. The type of people that advise everyone in their network of friends on where to spend their weekend skiing. More personally, I spend my winter working at a ski shop, where dozens of people ask where to take their family every winter. My initial answer this season had been to send people to your resort, but after this experience where I feel cheated, I don’t believe I can any longer. You have angered your most loyal, and most vocal, supporters. Dozens of us followed these two men from Mountain Creek, and brought our friends along. Now, your company has to deliver the product we were promised before this turns into a marketing disaster. Word of mouth helped you this year, but when your promises fail to materialize, it will end up hurting you in a way advertising can never repair.


The best solution would be to bring back Shawn and Julian, although I realize this probably won’t happen. If your company could put the hundreds of customers who are alienated by this decision, over the handful of employees who found them to be a problem, the right decision would be clear. At least for this season we would like to see the two brought back. Next year, their lack of employment would no longer be affecting our decision to purchase passes, but for this year, your company deceived us into supporting your resort. This is an insult to those of us who have been spreading the word marketing your product for you.


If the two do not return for the year, we ask at least that someone equally replaces what they were doing. This means not only on the hill, but off the hill. Shawn and Julian were receptive to our ideas. They communicated with the local riders. Since their firing, there have been no updates on the website, or in the forum. Since their absence, very little of the work promised to be done this week has been done at the hill. Clearly, their loss has not been replaced. The new park manager has yet to reveal himself, much less give a hint that he is equal to the task.


This situation is about responsibility. Clearly your company is not smart enough to stick with a business decision that was turning your mountain into the best one in this region. At least then be responsible enough to deliver some of what was promised to us. I hope that you can lead your resort back into the esteem I held for only a few weeks ago. A good start would be by making the right decision here, bring back Shawn and Julian, or at least deliver what was promised to us earlier this year.




Kevin Schultz


September 6th Press Release




FTC Definition of Deceptive Advertising



Peak Resort Inc. Mission Statement



Discussion against Peak’s Decision, with 1400 views











I ask those to reply to this thread only as a signature that they agree with this message’s contents, so that each reply will constitute one signature. I ask the moderators here to help me with this, if possible making this ‘sticky’ at the top, and also by deleting the people who will invariably start debating in here about it. I made a separate thread talking about this petition, for debate. Personal names would help although I understand if people don’t want to post them. I also ask Heather-Big Boulder to forward this to the appropriate people. Ultimately I will send a print copy in the mail, can someone please help me with an address?

Edited by Method9455
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