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Everything posted by indiggio

  1. 1/23/24 It’s the wife’s birthday “week”, so decided to head up to New Hampshire to celebrate by hitting a bunch of ski slopes on Epic & Indy passes, even through she no longer skis. Outta the house at 6am to stay ahead of any potential feeeIng rain which was successful, as we only encountered a few sprinkles along the way. Rolled into the first stop of the trip at Crotched Mountain. Interesting little hill that would be perfect for beginners, lots of variety of trails and the diamonds aren’t really all that challenging. The mountain is outta the way, so I ended up skiing right onto the lift every run, even with it being Primary day in New Hampshire. Snow was in excellent condition with chalky goodness everywhere, so there was no fear of setting an edge and arcing a turn. The whole mountain has a space theme to it, with the park even named NCC-1701 for all the Trekkies out there. Also had a Rocket Fuel IPA at the bar afterwards. Not a super challenging place, but was able to find a fun line right down under the only lift they had running today. Just a one-under-the-gun on the Epic pass.
  2. It's becoming a bigger $ maker for Blue, as they rent it out to high school teams now during the week, sometimes a couple schools split the cost.
  3. Just rolled in back home. Snow was top 10 for cold rolled Pocono powder. ROTD was the outside Coming Soon ridge, the snow was spectacular. Crap was Blue not able to pull enough personnel to gate the OG6 early, but I heard they eventually did so after lunch. We ended up using the Quad VIP to singles which was practically empty all morning, go figure? Cold conditions out in the lot for chilled beers with an eagle circling overhead with the sun as a backdrop, its tail feathers were clearly white. Have a grate Jackson trip to all those heading out West!!
  4. Wind was howling through the woods all night, thought the same. Upper back kinda sore from a lot of pushing into the wind yesterday.
  5. KSL, we'll take all your $ by keeping you hostage!
  6. indiggio


    I remember cruising through Breck's central park one time we were out there and just rolling over the giant booter landings that are fucking steep and big as shit! The people going off these have brass cojones the size of bowling balls!
  7. On the flip side, when I left there were still 62 spots left in the Valley VIP lot.
  8. indiggio


    It’s all a hoot!
  9. indiggio


    It all went to shit when they began seeding the bump runs. The old natural bump runs where there was no real line or jumps was where creativity and skill excelled. You had to pick your way through the bumps, picking a good one to launch a trick and lane back into the random bumps. Not that these latest bumpers aren’t remarkable in their own right, ripping them at full speed and send some gymnastics off the jumps, but it’s just too rigid and took the “Hot Dog” and much of the fun out of it. When mogul comps were Tits McGee… https://youtu.be/9mYyvdTK0Cc?si=lKAkCoZQEkGPNTMh
  10. I forgot to add, early in the morning we saw a racer come down it, probably hit one of the groomer ditches and ate shite, yardsaling to the bottom. Blue making Johnny Cash today!
  11. Lots of fun to be had today as the snow was excellent mostly everywhere save Le Shite. A single run down that was plenty! Later in the morning. Stopped across from it to watch a snowboarder coming down on his back full speed directly for a girl who was standing near the bottom of Chute watching this guy headed right for her! In a bought of panic, she stood there like a deer in the headlights, but then got it together enough to move backwards just in time for the boarder to slide past her and into the Boulder ditch! Typical Blue antics! Saw another boarder on Lazy just under the OG6 getting places on a back board and neck brace. Not good! VIP line on the OG6 was the shit! We stayed until 1pm with only 5 or so minute wait times. Still wish people these days would learn to count to 6. I swear there’s a dimensional warp just before the lift as people weee mysteriously disappearing after they’d been grouped in 6s. Mountain Dew & Vodka is Keith’s go-to since he can no longer drink beer due to his gout.
  12. If you decide to give it a try, the Oracle of YouTube will help...
  13. Not sure what you mean by "really hard to get my boot in" without really seeing it or be more descriptive? Sounds like the forward pressure on the one possibly may not be set properly. Perhaps if you're there on a weekday you could show me? Pivots can be very persnickety sometimes.
  14. indiggio


    Stuck staring at a computer all day and snow out the window does that to ya!
  15. indiggio


    Guess they want NMWD for BMR Freestyle team to take...
  16. indiggio


    They didn't have anything going earlier when I checked, now just ambiance guns going. Why aren't they going hard on Challenge and/or Switch? They need to make snow while the temps are down, not piss them away!
  17. They save a lot of $ by not using electricity at night!
  18. Yet I remember them grooming before with all the lights out and going just by the groomer's lights. I don't remember if that was before KSL took over or not. They may keep them on when there's new snow to be moved rather than like in the Spring when it's just flattening out the surface?
  19. Rumor mill saying that electricity too $$$ during day, sounds about right for Blue...
  20. Is that a banjo propped up in there?
  21. I thought I saw a post that learning center was going to be closed for snowmaking today? Edit: Found it, Summit is going to be closed tonight for snowmaking.
  22. Already has! You should have seen the CF they made in the lower payed lot the other day. People were parking in random places until Tazer Dave got involved. Guess they have to take your keys so they can shuffle cars??
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