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What's the best thing to do with $20k


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What do you all think is the most fun thing you can do with $20k


Just imagine it's unexpected and expendable income that you have complete freedom to do what you want with. Think bike, car, boat, riding in exotic places, it's not a fortune but it is free money. Suggestions please.....

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put it on red at the roulette wheel!!!!


But seriously..$20,000 really isn't that much money so I'd probably just put it in the bank for a rainy day..as I pretty much have what I want and go on whatever trips I want to..


Have done the "bank for a rainy day" bit, this is what's left over for "do whatever you want with it...."

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I'd just take off for the entire winter. Travel to where ever the snow is. Japan would be high on the list as well as AK.


should be going to Japan in january, not sure how I feel about AK and not sure who I could get to come with me. Also have limited vacation with a new job.


I'd buy a bunch of the paddling gear I can't afford


can't you swim?

Edited by Timeless
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can't you swim?


I whitewater kayak. I broke my paddle this year and my boat is somewhat limiting. Plus I have other stuff I should replace as well. I could easily spend $3k tomorrow in a whitewater outfitter to get the stuff I "need" for next spring.

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I am slowly starting to realize that experiences are worth more than stuff. I heard it a long time ago, but it so hard to believe that when I walk into a ski shop and look at all the boards.


So I'd say take $5,000 and take a sweet vacation, put the other $15,000 away. Take another 5,000 for the next 3 years and have 4 awesome vacations.

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I am slowly starting to realize that experiences are worth more than stuff.


I agree, but I get out a lot. Gear makes my experiences happen. Also, I live where I want to play. I haven't even skimmed the surface of the paddling opportunities in CO. Snowboarding I have plenty to explore as well. That being said, if I don't have the gear that lets me do that stuff, I can't do it. I use things until they are beaten and unusable or, in the case of my boat, where I have simply out grown it.

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Fully pimped out and outfitted expedition raft (frame, boat, trailer, cooler, dry boxes, oars, etc... all top of the line). If there was any money left over I'd save it for booze on my trip down the Grand Canyon.


I like the sound of that, and to Glenn's point I think he is right. Experiences are what matter but in many cases they come from having either the means to travel of the equipment to take part. Given that I am 30 minutes from Laguna Seca, I could see myself on many track days if I bought a bike. Some of my best days outside of snowboarding have been on such days.


Wild trip to Vegas?


That would be some trip, I can probably get $50 airfare from here, what would I spend the rest on....



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Where you going ?


I'm going next year and can't decide between Niseko and Hakuba, Niseko gets more snow but Hakuba has better terrain.....


Undecided as yet, I am going along for the ride with a friend who's brother lives in Tokyo. Definitely the north island but resort not specified yet. have you been before?

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Given that I am 30 minutes from Laguna Seca, I could see myself on many track days if I bought a bike. Some of my best days outside of snowboarding have been on such days.



+1 on the track days...Tons of cool motorsports stuff goes on at Laguna Seca(as I am sure you are aware of)..

I always felt money spent on tavel was money well spent.

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