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2/9/17..powder day...


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Hey All,


I'm back from a fun powder day at Blue mountain the true mountain. After closing down the bar last night for karaoke I woke up bright eyed and bushy tailed ready for the best pow day at Blue mountain this season. Left a little after 630am and arrived at the lower lot around 7:25am. In the lower lot was Johnny Laws Moe-Tel aka his car and a few minutes later he emerged from his slumber. Chilled with him for a bit and ate a few of his mini donuts and then Atomic Jeff, Justo, Toast, Shadows, GSSucks, -Dan, VTMark and Root all arrived although I didn't see Root only his car.


About 6-7" of new snow was on the ground and by opening bell the snow was tapering off. Consistency of the snow was somewhere between medium density and Sierra cement..I'll give it a 7.5 on the density scale with cold smoke being a 1 and pure wet mank being a 10. Due to the density of the snow it stuck to all surfaces except for the challenge and razors headwalls despite intense winds. First run was nightmare to Dreamweaver and was totally untracked and they must have groomed it before the storm fell cause it was virtually bottomless and some funky drifts as well..breaking trail on homestretch meant a slow slog..I'm so pissed at Blue for adding that just to up their vertical..losers. Second run was a repeat of the first still huge swaths of untracked. Then razors which had tons of untracked and some funky drifts as well and more speed than nightmare to Dreamweaver. Repeated razors again then skied the woods next to Main Street to X-ing to Main Street to switchback. Switchback was already totally chopped out and choppy as fuck..


Up the Main Street chair for the first time since December and to the famous Widowmaker. I believe some of the boys skied tbar line but Widowmaker had a decent amount of untracked. Chute was tracked out but I found 4 or 5 fresh turns between chute and midway..lower Main Street by this point zero untracked push piles and skied off areas. Did find some u tracked next to the jumps in lower park and some hit a technical line ending I. The valley school area. By now there was actually a liftline on the six pack at 9:30am which isn't even always the case on weekends but the roads were good and a lot of people had off work and school. Next up was challenge..got some fresh in the right side spine but had to avoid a few snow boulders lower on challenge got the last remnants of fresh on the side then up six pack again and got the last of the fresh on razors and razorback. Went to the lot had one beer then went to the BMDI with Johnny law and atomic Jeff and it was closed so then went to Whitehall diner with just Johnny law.


Now back in the A roads are fine although tonight I think they could get slick. Was so nice to ski some untracked snow just a totally different type of skiing..I wish blue mountain was about 10 degrees steeper but for being under 20 miles away I can't complain. JADIP

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Saw everybody. Skied with nobody. Hey justo, hey korey.

So it goes i guess.


Drive up was trecherous. Turned around once. Then tried again. Then turned around again.

Plow took a second sweep and that did it.

drive back was drifty and sketch




Day 2.


Sorry man, was trying to get all the runs in I could before heading to the office. Should be around this weekend if youre up! 

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