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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/07/24 in Posts

  1. -- what actually happens when a survey comes in --
    7 points
  2. Out for a couple of hours today. DeMattes and Challenge closed due to large bare spots. Tbolt had a path down over to E Mtn. Rivershot and Floyd’s in great shape considering. Anyone else out there today? One Park and Exhibition in pretty good shape. Maybe 50 cars in the lots.
    4 points
  3. Someone wanted to flex their “rubikong” at the Snowmass parking lot today
    4 points
  4. Hey All, It’s almost another weekend..is anybody planning on skiing or riding this weekend at Blue mountain the true mountain? I’ll be up tomorrow for opening..maybe a short session maybe a longer one..I’ll see. Saturday and Sunday AM also..unless there’s a monsoon. Shit should be spicy, as JLaw calls it,”Brown Town”…should get cold enough by tomorrow AM for them to do some patch jobs using their sonar technology. I know a lot of us have been a little somber about the weather but at least there’s still some skiing.
    3 points
  5. Should be there all 3 days. Late arrival tomorrow morning due to hockey
    3 points
  6. Day 45. Glorious day, cold, no liftlines, like we'd stepped back in time.
    3 points
  7. Straight Fleetwood Mac style
    3 points
  8. https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=4mOq53BYlk6PPpBYuHjdRKJX69qJAiBAjkmNWg5LojZUN0ZHQUI5OTBMMUFJMzE3MEJINlY1MlU2Ti4u&utm_source=Mautic&utm_medium=Email&utm_campaign=SeasonPassholders
    3 points
  9. I feel like older skis like from the 90s weren’t as durable. I had delamination issues with a pair of Pre 5a and the next year got Pre M6as they were a nice ski..my K2 El Camino and K2 Kreisler’s were my favorites prior to Salomon XScreams which were badass. Now I just ski the same pair of Kastles everyday for the last 3 years and the fat ones on pow days.
    2 points
  10. oh and im out for that passholder party, have to drive down to delco for something around 3. thanks for taking the time to get me that link anyway @toast21602
    2 points
  11. the projected conditions report for tomorrow is actually pretty surprising. no sidewinder (but that's been gone), switchback gone and glades gone. everything else is open. oh and x-ing is closed. granted it's projected but i thought things would have been a lot worse.
    2 points
  12. That will show them…
    2 points
  13. My thoughts exactly will be mostly season passholders and no race team training.
    2 points
  14. it would be a beautiful morning to be skiing right now..
    2 points
  15. You should really show KSL whats up by getting a pass at Mountain Creek or Shawnee. At the end of the season, they end midweek stuff. Always. nothing new here.
    2 points
  16. 42 out of 43 coffee cups made this year from the lift. It’s a shame NBA scouts don’t ride at blue cause I’d be in the league if they did. The quad is the toughest…it’s a 3 point shot. The newer 6er is a standard 2 point shot. The OG 6er is way too easy…it’s like a lay up on a 6 foot hoop
    2 points
  17. Either tomorrow (night) or Saturday (depending on the forecast) and Sunday
    1 point
  18. Yep. I like that. And I can get the Base Pass for $620 so I'll probably end up doing that in addition to my Indy Pass.
    1 point
  19. I think you can duct tape that
    1 point
  20. Something is better than nothing which is what is happening here pretty quickly...
    1 point
  21. They're having a rough go up therr as well this year. I'm content as long as the lifts are spinning for what is left in April. They still have a chance for a late season storm or two.
    1 point
  22. Awesome. I missed that. Thank you.
    1 point
  23. Im calming down now that Ikon released pricing and I'm booking up Stratton and Bush through April. Blue just really disappointed me with this decision this early.
    1 point
  24. That’s good they can go their own way..
    1 point
  25. Oh I'm sure they're legal people will love that. "yeah dont worry about the bare spots...our customers can just lean back". Hahaha. Come on man. I get it, but come on
    1 point
  26. I enjoyed my time there this week. Honestly dont think it would make a difference. All the other people (10 of them) utilizing the snow didnt speak english so I assume they were the J1 emplyees enjoying their perks. Your probably better off at Blue this weekend for terrain availability though.
    1 point
  27. Nah but makes more sense to let corporate see it then to get annoyed at minimum wage workers in Live chat or otherwise at the facility who have no control over it and are probably upset themselves with reduced hours so early.
    1 point
  28. Already dug all the emails out of trash folder and voted 1s down the line with "Closing midweek starting first week of March is unacceptable. Understandable closing on days of heavy rain but otherwise is not acceptable." In every single comment box 🤣
    1 point
  29. It's been good for what it is. Blue has more coverage but Camel must be farming snow to keep the thin areas covered each night because some runouts are extremely thin. Clearly spinning the lifts at an operating expense loss but I think they do that as an obligation to hotel guests. They will probably get through this coming week but not sure they'll last much past that. Blue's just preserving snow for profit at this point with no regard for passholders with midweek ending this early. They know they have us by the balls and they make their money on the ticket purchasers who also spend additional money around the property. If they gave us this week and next week I wouldnt be upset at all. I dont melt in the rain traffic is always at a minimum, really wouldnt damage the snow pack preservation efforts much.
    1 point
  30. https://www.ikonpass.com on sale in a week
    1 point
  31. Maybe heading to camels back this evening…
    1 point
  32. If upper main is open this weekend, it will clearly be technical. Cant see much on Side, but i thought that was circling the drain last week as well.
    1 point
  33. It's not right, I tell ya! Next time I get a KSL survey for the True Mountain, I'll put in a complaint on your behalf. We're all in this together! Alone we are powerless, but together we can change the world! 🌎
    1 point
  34. Yep. I am annoyed that they pulled a last minute closure for today. It’s one thing to tell us in advance that they are closed mid week. It’s another to say tues and wed closed re open on Thursday…then last minute say f it we’re not gonna make money. Close thurs too. Funny how they’re open for tubing tonight though. They must have a large tubing group booked
    1 point
  35. Unfortunately they probably don’t care that you’re livid either. Unless the masses rise up on social media like they did on that botched snow day then they’re gonna do their thing. It is what it is
    1 point
  36. Yeah i get that but it has a little RSVP now button it looks like.
    1 point
  37. So is Shawnee.... Fuck KSL.
    1 point
  38. Correct but the Shamokin Dunkin Donuts is way more radical-er.
    1 point
  39. Next season as in bike season? It’s not goodbye, it’s see you soon
    1 point
  40. They aren’t saving the snow, they’re reducing operating expenses.
    1 point
  41. Temper your excitement on April...
    0 points
  42. The very extensive blackouts on the Ikon Base pass will keep us on Epic Local - which has fairly minimal blackouts and will run us about $1900 for 3 people (compared to $3100 for full Ikon). Nice to see they kept Windham though. Many try Ikon the following year once kids are off to college.
    0 points
  43. Like a straight punch to the dick but I'm not surprised the tide has to be super low
    0 points
  44. Live chat said midweek operations is done "to preserve snow for weekends, unless snowmaking ability returns". This is fucking horse shit!
    0 points
  45. Correct except Grilled Steeze doesn't bike with us so I'll see him in November or maybe December due to global warming.
    0 points
  46. Salty what kind of coffee do you like to drink? TP4 likes Wawa..I don’t really drink much coffee. I had one of those mini cans from sheetz the one morning Starbucks double shot was like $4.69 and then I had to poop but I didn’t poop.
    0 points
  47. @toast21602 always says it’s all about the base. This weather is depressing..I don’t like it..will be interesting to see how things look Friday AM.
    0 points
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