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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/03/24 in all areas

  1. Its crowded here...rail jam and banked slalom benefit thing for cancer. Seems like a good way to embarrass myself so I donated to run the banked slalom
    9 points
  2. Back home. Was a really nice trip…got to spend quality time with my kid, three excellent ski days…a bluebird / groomer day, a good tree day and a powder day, got a brand new helmet worth a buck forty for free courtesy of snowbowl, had excellent pizza and gelato, got a chance to check on the land and area around there, had two on time flights that arrived early and were half empty, racked up Starbucks points and realized that despite wanting one forever, I’m probably not a jeep guy (did come home to a broken fridge though) Till next time. See everyone at blue next weekend.
    9 points
  3. Hey All, I’m back from another fun morning at Blue mountain the true mountain. I arrived at the lower lot at 715am and it was sunny with the temperature around freezing to start. In the house was everybody except Zonked, Toast, PARidge, Ski2Live, ZZSlope, Enjorales cousin and Ed Bacon. First civilian OG six pack to challenge which was solid and not that smooth sort of chattering snow. Lazy mile was nicer pretty smooth and light sugar to begin, Main Street was pretty inconsistent with a skiff of new manmade snow. I enjoyed Coming soon, part of it was boilerplate but at least it was smooth and lower paradise was pretty dense sugar. Paradise was smooth and sugar, a return to lazy and it was super deep like a foot deep sugar. You’d need something at least 150mm underfoot to float on that run some maybe some K2 Pontoons..I also skied Burma road which was progressive and X-ing which still had frozen cord at 920am. Fun parking lot today with like 20 people, JFDan still has Halloween candy so had some of that and some Chips and a few beers as the temperature rose into the 40s. With good grooming and some snowmaking overnight, tomorrow could be decent.
    8 points
  4. Today was special, I loved the uneven lazy but for most it just became a noob trap and was tough negotiating. Falls looked more similar to a bowling alley with distinct lanes and sort of the same for challenge. I rode Widow, mid, lower and midway while generally atrocious was nothing compared to the cross over which went from the beach to a hockey rink with mad holes in 20ft. How do you even do that ? I think my favorite part of the day though was salty trucking a snowboareder for going to slow, dude is an animal. It's always a good day skiing and good to have a full crew with JH gents back in the house but pretty rough conditions, hope tomorrow is at least a bit smoother.
    7 points
  5. Montage posted one picture of me from today...
    6 points
  6. It got rowdy pretty quick...from deep loose sugar to slick grooming holes in flat light....Felt good to have a day of full sun...
    6 points
  7. 7” overnight. 8 humans and 6 dogs. This morning was fun.
    6 points
  8. Boomer and an appropriate beer to prepare for the slalom
    6 points
  9. No lift lines on the north face. Smoke is icy and not great but white lightning is somehow really great and well groomed
    6 points
  10. The grooming alone is light years better than Blue today, slalom on a board is tough af way to represent.
    4 points
  11. There no sense at all believing any forecast longer than 3 days out.
    3 points
  12. We can be heros, just for a day
    2 points
  13. And that’s no big deal that happens every month of most seasons. Don’t stop thinking about tomorrow. Time to check the webcams.
    2 points
  14. 8 out of 10 is good….anything over two out of three ain’t bad at least when it comes to meatloaf.
    1 point
  15. Went there once. I was definitely unprepared and had a complete misunderstanding as to how classy it was.
    1 point
  16. @saltyant you have so many different choices for skiing with your combined camelback/Blue/Jack Frost/Big Boulder pass. Plus you like trains I think.
    1 point
  17. It was a lot of fun. All the people waiting for the race were drinking beer, nobody really took it seriously. Hopefully they'll post some pics, I saw people taking pictures
    1 point
  18. was awesome this morning. so soft, and smooth. challenge was ROTD. was nice to be able to let them run a little at blue with the new terrain.
    1 point
  19. Be sure to post a report and if Salty asks you how Floyd’s is tell him to STFU..
    1 point
  20. The forecast is decent for snowmaking, the main thing is that while not super cold, the forecast for the next week is dry so I expect overnight snowmaking. I don’t see any trails closing, blue is gonna get switchback open and maybe sidewinder. Airhead was talking about long range forecast being cold, it’s not the 8-14 is above average so they need to blow every chance they get. You got this Blue, you’re my boy…let’s fucking go…
    1 point
  21. Spring skiing in February
    1 point
  22. Just got back from an afternoon session at Camel. It was drizzling when I left my house but that turned to a wet snow going up the access road to the Camel. I opted to go up the tubing road and park right by the Stevenson, it felt a bit nostalgic. Snow was quite nice, surface was mostly a natural wet creamy layer and little ice for the most part even on the steeps. The park is still dismal with only a down rail and small jump. Cant complain with some suprise winter scenery laps at the Camel today. All in all JADIP in the Pocohoes.
    1 point
  23. Looking like snow showers and maybe some sun today as the forecast is calling for the heavier snow to start at 8pm tonight. Supposed to get 2 to 4 in town tonight with up to 11 inches over 7k feet. Only 75 inches in so far this season so they need it. Unfortunately flat iron, white lightning and upper bowl are closed but some natural snow trails and tree shots are in play like the Gondi line and jeep trail etc. Looking forward to skiing some of that today. Solo today as my daughter is back on campus. Oh and Forgot to mention I won a free Smith Mission helmet yesterday courtesy of snowbeezy. Got entered into a raffle for answering a few safety questions my number was called. Pretty cool as I was looking at new helmets. Lady at the ski shop said I can switch it for another brand if I wanted but opted to keep it.
    1 point
  24. Maybe he needs to compromise...
    1 point
  25. Years ago I took a class thru one of the state parks in the Poconos. I am sure there are places that offer cheap intro classes for you to try it. You can get a setup pretty cheap, especially used. Don’t let your husband’s lack of enthusiasm stop you. I say try it! A quick search showed free lessons at this state park. Trail pass $15 https://paccsa.org/paccsa-ski-lessons
    1 point
  26. Did a nice walk on D&L Sunday, started at Glen Onoko. Saw some cross country skiers. I’d love to try it, husband not interested, unfortunately. I already have one hobby that takes me away most of the winter. Don’t need 2.
    1 point
  27. Took the afternoon away from work today to get in some last minute XC strides and glides before the snow all melted away. Stopped at Illick's Mill and Monocacy Park to check things out and ended up taking the tracks out and back to explore that area. Super quiet and peaceful back there along the water which is what I love about taking these out. Just a lovely afternoon.
    1 point
  28. My skis are fat and don’t fit in the track. I will say that you lose energy transfer outside of the track as the skis naturally go sideways a bit. When in a track all that energy is just propelled forward. But yes, it’s a great area. I will be here most of the week and will try to hit it daily. Just a good bit of cardio.
    1 point
  29. How did I not know that Crested Butte had a free Nordic section all these years? There is an elaborate trail system you have to buy a pass for but there are a few free loops. Went to the resort this morning to extremely flat light. I took exactly one run and decided to leave. I hate that my stupid old eyes just can’t see, just not worth it. So left and got my XC set up and my friend and I did a lap on the “poop loop” which is the dog friendly loop. Fingers crossed visibility is better tomorrow.
    1 point
  30. What a freakin' joke. Looks like Jackson Frost tomorrow it is!
    0 points
  31. Killington is always better than Mt Snow
    0 points
  32. Spent a couple days at Hunter this weekend. Had the unfortunate experience of skiing a brand new trail there "Empire Trail". Unfortunate because as of last year "Empire Glade" was one of 4 marked glades at Hunter, and often the one open the most, and they decided to saw down its trees to make a short inconsequential blue trail.
    0 points
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