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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/10/24 in Posts

  1. Got at least ten runs on learning hill a and b. Also checked off the learning hill connector. Was surprised to see @theprogram4 and learn he was just arriving. Didn't make it to paradise but a solid session for her. Thanks @Schif for going out of your way to say hi. Good day today overall, surprised they didn't lose more snow.
    9 points
  2. Solid morning of riding spring snow and excellent apres company. All in all JADIP at Blue The True.
    7 points
  3. Today ended up being a nice surprise conditions wise and weather wise. They held up a lot better than expected after yesterdays downpour and they did a nice job moving snow around. It'll be interesting to see how things hold up after this week. Good day today.
    7 points
  4. Hey All, I’m back from another fun day at Blue mountain the true mountain. I arrived at the lower lot at 720am and it was in the low 40s under overcast skys with moderate winds. In the house was everybody but NMSki, Zonked, Phillycore, Skifreak and Atomic Jeff. Dime was in the house in the PASR row and I skied the first several runs with him. Paradise was sweet cord as was Lazy. The chute had some nice pop and nice snow..I got my biggest air of the season..I touched the sky. Razors was nice corn and challenge had a nice ridge going down to add a live spice. Skytop was officially closed but just barely skiable. I skied until about 10 and it was super empty out. Fun parking lot and we went inside when a little rain shower came through and had a beer then back outside for a little bit. Just before we left, BenM was back with his wife and he was like WTF you’re still here..hey it’s still morning before the spring forward. Anyway as much as I wanted to sleep in today, was nice to be out and again better than expected. There’s a chance I’ll go out tomorrow AM but most likely be back Tuesday for opening. JADIP
    6 points
  5. Coverage way better than expected after the rain...First run down CS was slick with ice and some rocks starting to show..But it softened up to make a fun ride down the left side..Ungroomed Challenge was good...Everything off the quad rode nice...Never made it over to Main St side...Thanks to the beer fairy for the Brandy Stout...Super delish...and gave me a nice feeling on the ride home....
    6 points
  6. Today was awesome, no crowds and good time in the parking lot/lodge
    6 points
  7. Just got back from some evening runs. Everything in the shadow was crusting up, nice bumps on razors, main and falls. Challenge looked surprisingly smooth from the lift, but I never made it over there. Main Street has some deep holes opening up. The pictures don’t quite do it justice but the def went down a bit. A third on was unmarked and opening up my last run up the 6. It was still snowing as I left for the night. Super light crowds, an enjoying snowy spring skiing evening.
    5 points
  8. Crazy day with the snow squalls rolling through. Bump line on Chute got super deep and long bump line on lower Challenge was another leg burner. Bug squall #1 Big graupel squall in the afternoon Challenge bump line…
    5 points
  9. You’ll still have a good time. Light crowds and soft snow
    3 points
  10. I’ll bring crockpot Mac and cheese
    3 points
  11. Though not mentioned, Eagle Rock in Hazleton still operates and is not open to the public - only for residents.
    2 points
  12. Gonna be a toned down Gaper Day for sure. Not planning to have the salt blocks or raclette or anything crazy there this year. Suckling pig will have to wait for another time,
    2 points
  13. I'd consider getting a season pass for Shawnee just for the uphill. Yesterday was a spring treat. Really enjoy it there.
    2 points
  14. Day 46. Another bluebird day.
    2 points
  15. Hey All, I got confirmation from PASRs own grillmaster that Sunday 3/17 will be our end of season party. Bring beer, champagne, cups, OJ, snacks and breakfast food and things to grill if you’d like. Pond skimming is also that day as well. That will probably be closing day unless some miracle occurs from Mother Nature. JADIP
    1 point
  16. Not since Vail took over. For what its worth, they have the guns on at JF tonight...
    1 point
  17. It was good to see ya. Unfortunately sleep was not good to me last night
    1 point
  18. Pretty good snow shower in Macungie right now..
    1 point
  19. Blue was my fave til the prices went up, & did Camelback sometimes til they started charging for parking now I'm doing the Indy pass for Montage & lil Shawnee - got 2 days each this season- mostly ski the Cats & Indy areas now
    1 point
  20. Hey All, It’s almost another weekend..is anybody planning on skiing or riding this weekend at Blue mountain the true mountain? I’ll be up tomorrow for opening..maybe a short session maybe a longer one..I’ll see. Saturday and Sunday AM also..unless there’s a monsoon. Shit should be spicy, as JLaw calls it,”Brown Town”…should get cold enough by tomorrow AM for them to do some patch jobs using their sonar technology. I know a lot of us have been a little somber about the weather but at least there’s still some skiing.
    1 point
  21. Used to drive by Fernwood resort in the Poconos on my way to Vt in the 80’s . https://www.dcski.com/lostareas/viewlostprofile.php?id=63 @EdBacon’s a wealth of knowledge for the local deceased areas.
    1 point
  22. Some of those aren’t actual ski areas. More like little community hills that either run a lift or a towrope. I’m sad that I never skied Alpine mountain before it closed for good.
    1 point
  23. I grass skied at the Hideout and have stayed at Skytop before. I heard of Elk
    1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. I'll bring plenty of beer. Might make alcoholic iced coffee to share. And some sort of food item, any suggestions?
    1 point
  26. This is awesome. i will bring some pre made warm breakfast goodies.
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. My heel is going to be so snug in the pocket that you I'm going to need a crowbar to get it out. @AtomicSkier is going to be super jealous of my heel security on a warm, sunny day.
    1 point
  29. Hopefully those new liners are better for keeping the heel in proverbial pocket.
    1 point
  30. Saturday morning is my only opportunity this weekend, and by golly I will be making the most of it! Excited to break in some new liners.
    1 point
  31. Making me want to run up tonight now. Definitely in for Sat and Sun
    1 point
  32. This afternoon/night, tomorrow and Sunday mornings.
    1 point
  33. Today after work, tomorrow and Sunday morning. Hoping the forecast of rain holding off til noon on Saturday is right
    1 point
  34. Afternoon sesh, i think. sat and sun.
    1 point
  35. Tonight and Sat and Sun regardless of weather.
    1 point
  36. Either tomorrow (night) or Saturday (depending on the forecast) and Sunday
    1 point
  37. The sun will come out..for maybe an hour or two..
    1 point
  38. Should be there all 3 days. Late arrival tomorrow morning due to hockey
    1 point
  39. Day 45. Glorious day, cold, no liftlines, like we'd stepped back in time.
    1 point
  40. Day 44. Ankle deep to boot cuff height freshies on the back.
    1 point
  41. A few weeks ago I won Platty vouchers at the Tele Colo movie and figured what better way to celebrate World Telemark Day on Tele Sunday. The ride up on the back roads yielded a mix of sun, clouds and fog along with a bald eagle snatching up a squirrel along root 42. Arrived to a socked in Platty with the sun trying to burn thrugh but it never quite happened, temps in the mid / upperer 50's. Started on the double and ended up lapping Blockbuster. Although the entrance was a little spicy there was good coverage once you got onto the trail. bumps (*) on the left side were soft and manageable. Short beer/water break and then rode the face off the triple, good coverage and mix of nice spring snow with some sticky man made here and there. Tele'd until lunch, chicken pesto wrap and ascension pils were bangin'. Legs were cooked after ten tele runs so clamped down the heels for another 4 or 5 in the afternoon. Nice day with a beverage stop as Catskill Brewery on the way home, love that place! * bumps photo credit lifted from @Harvey at nyskiblog - i couldn't find the sun lol
    1 point
  42. Leaving Blue now. Conditions nice this am. Getting crowded with kids. They better have school tomorrow 😡 Also getting scraped off in spots alternating with fluffy piles of snow.
    1 point
  43. Debating taking off work tomorrow to go to Montage. What should I do?
    1 point
  44. Wow just wow eaf I think you're the new troll here since I threw in the towel.
    1 point
  45. That’s pretty normal for me…
    0 points
  46. 0 points
  47. I forgot. Was wondering why is so dark out.
    0 points
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