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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/22/24 in all areas

  1. Hey All, I’m back from another fun morning session at Blue mountain. I arrived at the lower lot at 830 and it was around 30 degrees under overcast sky’s. In the house were Atomic Jeff, TP4, C1er, Rodney and the Bethlehem ford crew. Second civilian super summit safari six back and I began on Main Street which was sweet soft pack powder until the end which had mini cookies. There was a big race on Razors and snowmaking has ended on Nightmare to Dreamweaver and they’re starting to build a booter near the top. Challenge was nice…a little looser than Tuesday..I skied that three times. I skied Sidewinder for the first time in two seasons and it wasn’t that good…some slick spots, some cookies and mini Root rollers and lots of goobers. Back to Main Street for the final three runs and it stayed so nice. Barbs was slow and sticky..today the snow will start to transition to spring snow and maybe some showers later then mad brick this weekend and spring next week. We had a nice stretch of packed powder and now I’m ready for some spring skiing and it’s right on the horizon…get it while you can as we close out the third quarter of the season.
    8 points
  2. That means I have to give up my consecutive streak of being a Blue passholder, and buy my pass from Camel to add on the two for the boys. But will save $720
    6 points
  3. Today was fun. If you like to ski/snowboard I recommend going to blue mountain as it’s a good time
    5 points
  4. I listened to it last night. I never really heard anything too groundbreaking in the podcast. Just pretty standard executive talk. He kept saying that their mission statement was "Create guests for life", which makes sense. It's all about the experience and the resort and making you feel like you're on vacation there. Day tripping skiers are not their target audience. One of the really interesting things I got from it is that KSL is split in two entities which I did not know. KSL Capital, which owns a stake in Alterra, and KSL Resorts which I believe owns the actual operations. KSL Resorts has the mandate to diversify their properties, which is where Blue and Camel come in. So I find it unlikely that they would transfer ownership to the other KSL's subsidiary. To me this means that unless strategy changes, we won't get unlimited Blue on an Ikon Pass any time soon. More interesting things I took away from the podcast 1. Black Bear 6 cost something like $14 million dollars. Gives me an idea of how much lifts cost. They are also planning on adding a big video board to that chair at the bottom. 2. Cameltop has been closed for quite a while. They are planning on utilizing it for corporate events. Seems like corporate events are a huge part of what they are going after. He mentioned the Cintas uniform company having an outing where they worked in the conference rooms all day and then went snow tubing at night. I would bet expense accounts got a workout at the bar as well. 3. Paid parking is here to stay. When pressed on it, he talked about the fact that they have no plans to reconsider that, and referenced the size of the property and the high cost it takes to operate.
    4 points
  5. Dibs on the tazer, body cam, and tactical belt when he leaves.
    4 points
  6. Won't be long, he's moving down to the Carolinas, giving up security and looking for a heavy machinery job soon or so he says.
    4 points
  7. Another great day today. Love riding Switch and Sidewinder. All trails were in great shape. We’ve had some beautiful bluebird weather this week
    4 points
  8. Fast hardpack under beautiful blue skies, temps in upper 30s. Bumps on Boomer & White Lightning. Used the Indy Pass. Cool antique toboggan. I liked everything but *The Big Stairs* you have to carry your equipment from the lot down to the lodge...& back up. And what's with all those tents?
    3 points
  9. Hey All, It’s almost weekend, is anybody planning on skiing Blue mountain the true mountain this weekend? Looks like temperatures continue. I plan on skiing Saturday and Sunday and maybe Friday and/or Monday. Remember Monday is an 9am opening.
    3 points
  10. Detailed list of inclusions posted. First tracks is listed for Camelback. Full pass for outdoor waterpark, discounts only for indoor. 5 buddy passes is nice. Nice that at Blue it seems to include 2 summer tickets for adventure park, bike park, laser tag and lift ride, each, instead of choose 2 tickets for any of these activities. https://www.skibluemt.com/poconos-pass/
    3 points
  11. This is the proper way to ride Chute. Not me, the beast Alex Caccamo. Snapinsta.app_video_614BA3F33721E8A4DDCD50F61A0CEDAB_video_dashinit.mp4
    3 points
  12. 2 points
  13. Okay, now THIS changes things:
    2 points
  14. Come on Johnny Law lets make this a day of kindness.
    2 points
  15. He's got massive small dick syndrome, he's got 400lbs of shit and like a plate carrier for the lot at blue. He looks to be out of shape with his big ass gut so already he ain't chasing shit but add in all his crap and he's like a security bag lady. He's nice enough but for sure is a 100% respect my authority type because that's literally all he has going in life.
    2 points
  16. The obligatory White Lightning pic
    2 points
  17. It is tempting to bump up to it for Walter and I. Would have to see what the child option is at Camel, the site only mentions contacting them for adding on child access, and their pass page isn't active yet. Even without adding any access for Grayson, 10 buddy passes between us would easily cover the days I would ski with them there. And then the summer tickets are likely shareable. I could take them up to the Camel waterpark a couple times in the summer and only have to buy one ticket. But on the other hand, we all had Dorney passes this past year, and I only went with them twice and their mother took them a couple more times, and that's far closer, lol. So it's a tough sell to myself to claim that we would actually motivate to make it up there in the summer. The Blue summer stuff would be easier, though
    2 points
  18. honestly its not a bad deal for $200 more, especially if you're local to the area and can do all of the summer stuff.
    2 points
  19. Cracks me up…meanwhile there’s more alcohol consumed on the lifts at blue mountain daily than there is at a St. Patrick’s day parade in Boston and they don’t enforce that. They just put giant trash cans out to accommodate it. At least be consistent.
    2 points
  20. Blue is still making snow. Because it’s a superior skiing mountain.
    2 points
  21. He’s always been nice to us. He likes free snacks, too.
    2 points
  22. Yell at them "Hit the feature, don't be the feature as you bonk off a helmet!!"
    2 points
  23. He runs shit at Dorney..and before cedar crest college..when somebody was flying a drone above Barbs way, he was on it right away. What I’m saying is call a spade a spade but he’s a friend to PASR..and so are the ski instructors riding the long golf carts with noobs around..they’re excited for Johnny law to return from Utah.
    2 points
  24. And the beer in the quad line waiting for rope drop.
    2 points
  25. We call that one guard in particular "Paul Blart". He's the only one that gives those heavy rent a cop ego vibes, the others dont seem to give a shit.
    2 points
  26. A lot less difference for me 3:40 RT to Blue or Cbk 4:00 RT to JF or RTop 5:30 RT to Hunter Given my strong preference for Catskill skiing it is often worth it to go to Hunter - particularly with option of going for 2 days and staying at Snowed Inn 10 minutes away for $70 Yeah Windham may be off Ikon next year - one of the things we will see when Ikon goes on sale and why I am waiting til then to make my decision. If there is no Catskill option (Plattekill seems the only likely replacement, or maybe Catamount which is more NY Berkshires), I will likely stick with Epic.
    2 points
  27. Well let him know that Sunday is gonna be a good one. I’m saving my buddy pass for Zonked
    1 point
  28. You’re a genius at figuring out the best buy at Disney. I’m sure you’ll figure this out.
    1 point
  29. I'll be there on Saturday solo and then my brah is supposed to come Sunday on my Buddy Pass. He enjoys sausage Sundays and the parking lot banter once a year.
    1 point
  30. Yes yes @RajeevGuptaSucheeta says it’s a very nice hill station and no worries of altitude sickness or needing a snorkel or avalanche gear. @BORGATA BOSS and his sister @beachiegirl2ski had fun skiing with me @ Blue the true back in 2006…that’s when I was new around here but still famous…holy run on sentence… @saltyant the snow is gonna be fast this weekend..let’s do a run together..maybe two..I figure if we’re gonna be brother in laws one day, we should hangout a little more
    1 point
  31. Thanks for the recommendation. I hear that is a fun mountain for all ages and for any person who enjoys winter sports.
    1 point
  32. Wow some serious 3D chess…nice of you to pay for your kids skiing, Ski2Live makes his kids put some skin in the game by contributing their lemonade stand money.
    1 point
  33. My excitement over this is tempered by the fact that I'm sure the Camelback child pass is only good at Camelback, even though it says Peak to Peak child pass in the description. I'm sure that just means that's the type of pass it's adding on to. That means I still have to buy Walter a full Blue pass to put him in Adventure Camp, since their child pass is only good for 9 and under, so even if I got him the one from Camelback I'm sure that Blue won't activate their access for him on it. Have to do some figuring to see if it makes any sense after all. Doesn't seem like it
    1 point
  34. Looking out now and there is a light rain coming down...
    1 point
  35. The OG six pack was apparently 5m back in 2006 and was purchased used. That figure seems accurate. I’m sure the cost is amortized over like 30 years.
    1 point
  36. Btw American dream made the wnep ski card. As did the lake placid Olympic ski jumping complex https://www.wnep.com/article/news/local/contests/wnep-ski-card-2023-2024/523-ae331894-f869-4002-908c-a32bb8c17744
    1 point
  37. NOOO!! Its time to go north until ya can't anymore followed by summer in deertyy jeerzy at Big Snow American Dreamin.
    1 point
  38. 1 point
  39. Yes, likely planning a Copper trip with the homies. Would also be down to join a PASR trip if you guys are willing to show me around a little before dusting me while I strap in 🤣. Also would consider joining you in CO in April next year if you want safety company.
    1 point
  40. I know, with Epic I don't have to go into any physical building and stand in a line to physically transfer a piece of paper to another physical building 50 miles away after standing in another line. Get with the times KSL!!!
    1 point
  41. I'll do all the free summer stuff and post a report. Maybe I'll take some go pro footage
    1 point
  42. Get the Pocono Peaks pass so we can ride the mountain coaster and zip line this summer with all our friends like @ridge and @toastman
    1 point
  43. Excellent. He'll surely make like 4x+ the salary doing that. Shouldn't have waited so long.
    1 point
  44. Sunny cold… 8:45 Made my way to the Quad and noticed the cattle chute. Ok …. There’s going to be some law and order today. Thought I was going to be first chair but someone in Orange blasted past lol, I figured he would head for Challenge but he went elsewhere. It was a bit disappointing later on to see the cattle out of control and cramming up to the front loading area on the quad and the line built up to the gates. The six had very little line to speak of. First tracks on Challenge was the best grooming I’ve seen all year. The icing on the cake was a couple inches of snow that drifted over from the fan gun up top. I think I hit my terminal velocity, but felt safe the whole time and was able to launch off the falls lip with just as good of grooming. Challenge was so good I kept lapping it then went to main street and a little bit of snow is drifted over from sleepy, hollow onto the bumps. Blue Balmer glade was also being blown. Fortunately , the roulette wheel of fate spared me and I didn’t get stuck in front of the gun on nightmare when the quad stopped for a good five minutes. Great day like C1 said.
    1 point
  45. Ouch! If we're gonna run into that hard we use a spotter.
    1 point
  46. I mean he’s right..shit can be really loud..vapes are better for discretion. Gotta stay on security guys good side he shoots the shit with us more early and late season when not much is happening and he wears yak traks attached to his shoes.
    1 point
  47. 1 point
  48. best part of manhattan was getting in the car to get the hell out of there.
    1 point
  49. Is Wyndham the Catskill mountain you are thinking of? I wouldn't be surprised to see them come off the Ikon pass since they are doing the private club thing. I heard it was impossible to get an Ikon reservation there this year.
    1 point
  50. that's awesome, it's on my bucket list for sure. Trying to parley it in with a trip to visit family is Pittsburgh but it hasnt worked out.
    1 point
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